Data Sheet 1SD536F2-CM800HC-66H
Page 4 CT-Concept.com
di/dt feedback Remarks
di/dt feed ba c k im plemented Note 22 no
Footnotes to the key data
1) Supply voltages higher than those specified can lead to the destruction of the driver and protection
circuits on the output side. The gate-emitter voltage tracks the primary supply voltage. (Not
regulated by the supply circuitry or the gate drive unit.)
2) Static power consumption of the gate driver.
3) If the specified power consumption is exceeded on average, this indicates an overload of the
DC/DC converter. The DC/DC converter is not protected against overload.
4) Under-voltage monitoring of power supply. For a voltage lower than this limit, the power modules
are switched off. The voltage refers to the secondary supply voltage of the gate driver, which is
approximately the same as the voltage between VDC and GND.
5) This limit is due to active clamping. Refer to t he “Description and Application Manual for 1SD536F2
SCALE H igh-Power IGBT Drivers”.
6) Pulse width o f the dir ect output of t he g ate drive unit. (Excluding the delay of the gate resistors.)
7) Duration of blocking the command input (keeping the gate driver and the IGBT in the off-state)
after fault detection, i.e. power supply under-voltage lock out, or – only in 2-level mode – short-
circuit detection. (For three/multilevel mode, turn-off under the short-circuit condition is managed
by the host controller.)
8) The g ate current is limit ed by on-board gat e resistors.
9) Refers to the direct output of the gate drive unit. (Excluding the delay of the gate resistors.)
10) Maximum continuous or repeatedly applied DC voltage or peak value of the repeatedly applied AC
voltage between the power supply i nputs and all other terminals.
11) Including the delay of external fiber-optic links. Measured from turn-on transition at direct output
of the gate drive unit (excluding the delay of the gate resistors) to the transition of the status
signal at the optical receiver on the host controller side.
12) Application-specific self-heating of gate drivers and IGBT modules, especially at high switching
frequency, must be taken into account. The switching frequency is commonly limited due to
switching losses of the IGBT modules. Because CONCEPT cannot predict how the drivers will be
incorpo rated in t he user’s a pplicatio n, no bindi ng recom mended val ue for self-he ating and t hus for
the maximum useable output power can be made. It is therefore recommended to check the gate
driver’s ambient temperature within the system.
13) Incl uding t he de lay of e xter nal fibe r-optic links. Measure d from the transiti on of turn-on or turn-off
command at the optical transmitter on the host controller side to direct output of the gate drive
unit. (Excluding the delay of the gate resistors.)
14) Incl uding t he de lay of e xter nal fibe r-optic links. Measure d from the transiti on of turn-on or turn-off
command at the optical transmitter on the host controller side to the transition of the acknowledge
signal at the optical receiver on the host controller side.