Evaluate: MAX17061A
MAX17061A Evaluation Kit/Evaluation System
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Quick Start
Recommended Equipment
• MAX17061A EV system
MAX17061A EV kit
Maxim CMAXQUSB+ command module
(USB cable included)
• 7V to 21V, 1A power supply (VIN)
• User-supplied Windows 2000, Windows XP, or
Windows Vista PC
• Available USB port
Note: In the following sections, software-related items
are identified by bolding. Text in bold refers to items
directly from the EV kit software. Text in bold and
underlined refers to items from the Windows operating
The MAX17061A EV kit is fully assembled and tested.
Follow the steps below to verify board operation.
Caution: Do not turn on the power supply until all
connections are completed.
1) On the CMAXQUSB+ command module, ensure
that the shunt on jumper JU1 is in the 5V (default)
2) On the MAX17061A EV kit, verify that the shunts are
installed as follows:
JU1–JU4, JU13 1-2
JU9 Installed
JU11 2-3
3) Carefully connect the boards by aligning the 20-pin
connector of the MAX17061A EV kit with the 20-pin
header on the CMAXQUSB+ interface board.
Gently press them together.
4) Connect the positive terminal of the VIN power sup-
ply to the VIN pad. Connect the ground terminal of
the VIN power supply to the PGND pad.
5) Connect the positive terminal of the VCC power
supply to the VCC pad. Connect the ground termi-
nal of the VCC power supply to the GND pad.
6) Connect the USB cable from the computer’s type-
A USB port to the CMAXQUSB+ board’s type-B
USB port.
7) Visit www.maxim-ic.com/evkitsoftware to obtain the
latest version of the EV kit software, 17061ARxx.ZIP.
Download and install it on your computer by run-
ning the INSTALL.EXE program. The program files
are copied and icons are created in the Windows
Start menu.
8) Set the VIN power supply to 12V and enable its output.
9) Set the VCC power supply to 5V and enable its output.
10) Start the MAX17061A program by opening its icon
in the Start menu.
11) Normal device operation is verified when CMAXQUSB
HW: Connected. MAX17061A device connected.
is displayed at the bottom left of the MAX17061A EV
kit window (Figure 1).
Detailed Description of Software
User-Interface Panel
The program’s main window (Figure 1) is navigated by
using a mouse or a combination of the keyboard’s tab
and arrow keys. The MAX17061A EV kit software pro-
vides controls for software-configurable features, such
as Brightness Control,Device Control,Faults/Status
detection, and Manufacturer ID and Silicon Revision
detection. Changes to the controls result in a write
operation that updates the appropriate registers of the
MAX17061A. A status box is provided at the bottom of
the program’s main window and is used to verify com-
mand module and device connectivity. A Device
Search option is located under the Action menu bar
should the user want to switch from demo mode to nor-
mal operation.
MAX17061A EV Kit Files