AK2711 High Speed DAC w/16-Bit Resolution at 1.2 MSPS Features Block Diagram MULTIBIT SIGMA-DELTA MODULATOR DAC + 3 rd ORDER SWITCHED CAPACITOR LPF OUTPUT BUFFER STAGE 3 INTERPOLATION FILTER 2 ND ORDER CONTINUOUS LPF OUTP AK2711 STAGE 2 INTERPOLATION FILTER REFP REFN STAGE 1 INTERPOLATION FILTER BANDGAP REFERENCE PLL + MUX MCBP MCEN The on-chip interpolation filter suppresses original MCLK M0 M1 R1 R0 The AK2711 is a switched capacitor DAC, with a nominal full scale differential output of 4 V with a common-mode output level of 2.5V. BIT1-BIT16 REFERENCE BUFFER VCOM RBIAS INPUT REGISTER OUTN DVDD DVSS AVSS AVSS AVDD AVDD CEN RY A IN IM The AK2711 is a 16-bit, high speed oversampled digital-to-analog converter optimized for waveform reconstruction applications requiring high dynamic range. Glitches that are characteristic of Nyquist rate DACs are avoided by use of an over-sampled, multibit sigma-delta architecture. The AK2711 is manufactured on an advanced submicron analog process. High dynamic range is achieved by the use of proprietary multi bit delta sigma techniques. PRELIMINARY AVSS EL Description AVDD PR * Monolithic 16-Bit Oversampled DAC * 16 x Oversampling, 20 MSPS Clock * Internal low jitter PLL allows clock input speeds of 2, 4, 8 and 16 x sample clock. * 1.25 MHz Input Word Rate * AC Specifications * 500 kHz Signal Passband * Signal-to-Noise: 86 dB * Signal-to-(Noise plus Distortion): 82.5 dB * Dynamic range: 86 dB * Out-of-band (up to 10 Mhz): 70 dB * Digital Filter * Passband Ripple: 0.05dB * Stopband Attentuation: 70dB * Low Power Dissipation 200 mW * Power Supply * Analog Supply + 5 V * Digital Supply + 3 V/ + 5 V * 4 V Vpp differential glitch free output * Edge triggered input latch for parallel data input * 44 pin LQFP package SCLK inband images eliminating the need for complex external analog smoothing filters. Additional out-ofband filtering is provided after the sigma-delta DAC The on-chip reference and reference buffer amplifier are configured for maximum accuracy and flexibility. Phase-Lock-Loop clock multiplier provides the necessary synchronized 16fs clock to support the over-sampled DAC. An external synchronous clock can also be used. The AK2711 operates on a single +5 V analog supply and +5 V/ +3 V digital supply, typically consuming 200mW. The AK2711 is available in a 44-lead LQFP package and is specified to operate from -40 to 85C. PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION DC SPECIFICATION AVDD = 5.0V, DVDD = 3V, AGND = DGND = 0V, fMCLK = 20 MSPS, TMAX=85C, TMIN=-40C Parameter Conditions/Comments Min. Resolution Typ. Max. 16 Units Bits Accuracy Integral Nonlinearity (INL) Differential Nonlinearity (DNL) Monotonicity Bits Guaranteed1 Offset Error Note 1 Gain Error Note 1 +2 LSB +0.8 LSB 16 TBD Bits 0.3 TBD % FSR -3.5 TBD % FSR Temperature Drift 1.1 ppm/C Gain Error 50 ppm/C 0.1 % FSR 4 Vp-p Diff Power Supply Rejection AVDD,DVDD,SVDD 50 mV supply ripple(500kHz) Analog Output VREF = 2.5V Output Full Scale Output Common Mode Voltage 2.43 Output Load Resistance 2 20 pF 2.43 TBD V 4.75 5 5.25 V 2.7 3 5.25 V 100kHz Input, -2.2dBFS1 35 TBD mA 1 100kHz Input, -2.2dBFS 9 TBD mA 100kHz Input, -2.2dBFS1 202 Internal Voltage Reference Output Voltage TBD IM Power Supplies AVDD & SVDD DVDD Power Consumption mW PR Power EL Supply Currents I(DVDD) V k ohms IN Output Load Capacitance I(AVDD + SVDD) A RY Offset Error 2 12/1999 ASAHI KASEI AK2711 PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION[continued] AC SPECIFICATION AVDD = +5V, DVDD= +3V, fMCLK = 20 MSPS, TMAX=85C, TMIN=-40C Parameter Conditions/Comments Min. Typ. Max. Units Input Amplitude: -0.5dBFS1 TDB 86 dB 80 dB 82.5 dB 79 dB DYNAMIC PERFORMANCE Input Test Frequency: 100 KHz Signal to Noise (SNR) Input Amplitude: -6 dBFS SNR + Distortion (SINAD) 1 Input Amplitude: -0.5 dBFS TBD Input Amplitude: -6 dBFS Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) 1 Input Amplitude: -0.5 dBFS 85 Input Amplitude: -6 dBFS 88 dB 86 dB 89 dB 1 Input Amplitude: -0.5 dBFS TBD Input Test Frequency: 500 KHz Signal to Noise (SNR) Input Amplitude: -0.5dBFS Input Amplitude: -6 dBFS Spurious Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) Input Amplitude: -0.5 dBFS Input Amplitude: -6 dBFS INTERMODULATION DISTORTION Settling Time To 0.003% FS Output Noise Voltage DIGITAL FILTER CHARACTERISTICS DAC Filter Passband Ripple Min. 0 to 0.4 fs > 0.596 fs dB 80 dB 86 dB 89 dB TBD dBFS -70 TBD us TBD Clocks 71 uV rms Typ. Max. Units 0.05 dB dB PR Stopband Attenuation Conditions/Comments EL Parameter IM Output Propagation Delay 86 IN fIN1 = 475 kHz, fIN2 = 525 kHz DYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS dB A RY Input Amplitude: -6 dBFS TDB 12/1999 3 PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION[continued] DIGITAL SPECIFICATION AVDD = +5V, DVDD = +5V, T MAX=85C, TMIN=-40C Parameter Conditions/Comments Min. VIH High Level Input Voltage Clock Pin VIL Low Level Input Voltage Clock Pin VIH High Level Input Voltage All other pins VIL Low Level Input Voltage All other pins RPULLDOWN Pull Down Resistance MCEN, MCBP, R1, R0, M1, M0, TST, DITHEN, DEMEN, SCAN IIL Input Leakage Current All pins except internal pulldown pins Typ Max 2 Units V 0.8 0.7*DVDD V V 0.3*DVDD 10 50 K Ohms +10 uA Absolute Maximum Ratings AGND, SGND,RGND and DGND = 0V. All voltages are with respect to ground. Parameter A RY Notes 1. 100% production tested at 25C and sample tested at the specified temperatures. Min. Max. Units Analog Power Supply -0.3 6.0 V VD Digital Power Supply -0.3 GND Difference between AGND, SGND, AGND2 and DGND IIN Input Current--All pins except supply pins VIND Digital Input Voltage Power Supplies IM Temperature VA V 0.3 V 10 mA -0.3 VD + 0.3 V IN VA Ambient Operating Temperature (Power Applied) -40 80 C Tstg Storage Temperature -65 150 C EL Ta Recommended Operation Conditions Parameter Power Supplies 4 1 PR AGND, SGND, AGND2, and DGND = 0V. All voltages are with respect to ground. Min. Typ. Max. Units VA Analog Power Supply (AVDD & SVDD) 4.75 5.0 5.25 V VD Digital Power Supply (DVDD) 2.7 3.3 VA V 12/1999 ASAHI KASEI AK2711 Digital Switching Characteristics AVDD = +5V, DVDD=5V, CL=20pF, TMAX=85C, TMIN=-40C Parameter Conditions/Comments Min. Typ. Max. Units tMCLK Master Clock Period 50 ns tSCLK Sample Clock Period 800 ns tMCLKH Master Clock Pulse Width High 20 ns tMCLKL Master Clock Pulse Width Low 20 ns tSCLKH Sample Clock Pulse Width High 396 ns tSCLKL Sample Clock Pulse Width Low 396 ns tS Input Setup Time to SCLK 5 ns tH Input Hold Time after SCLK 5 ns SVDD D1 AVSS D2 REFH IN D0 A RY SVSS MCLK M0 CEN R0 M1 R1 MCBP TCLK MCEN SCLK PIN LAYOUT REFL D3 D4 RBIAS 44 LQFP D5 AVDD AK2711 AVSS D6 TST OUTP OUTN DITHEN DEMEN AVSS D15 D14 D13 D12 VCOM PR D11 EL D10 SCAN D9 DVSS D8 DVDD IM D7 12/1999 5 PIN DESCIPTION No. Pin Name I/O 1-16 D0-D15 17 DVDD 3V Digital Supply. DVDD = 3/5V 18 DVSS 3V Digital Ground. DVSS = 0V 19 AVSS Analog Ground. AVSS=0V 20 SCAN 21 22 I Pin Function and Description Data Input. (MSB = Pin 16 LSB = Pin1) Test Mode Pin TST I Test Mode Pin DEMEN I Test Mode Pin 23 DITHEN I Dither Enable (Active low) 24 OUTN O Differential Analog Output 25 OUTP O Differential Analog Output 26 VCOM O Internal Common mode voltage 27 AVSS Analog Ground. AVSS=0V 28 AVDD Analog Supply. AVDD = 5V 29 RBIAS I Resistor Connected to Ground (4.99K ohms) 30 REFL O 1V output derived from internal bandgap voltage 31 REFH O 4V output derived from internal bandgap voltage 32 AVSS Analog Ground. AVSS=0V 33 SVDD 5 V Analog Supply SVDD = 5V 34 SVSS 35 MCLK I Master Clock 36 CEN I Chip Enable (Active High) 37 M0 I 38 M1 I PLL Mode Pins. M1,M0 00 - MCLK = SCLK; 01 - MCLK = 2SCLK, 10- MCLK = 4SCLK; 11 - MCLK = 16SCLK. 39 R0 I Connected to 0V 40 R1 I Connected to 5V 41 MCBP I PLL Bypass IM IN Analog Ground. SVSS = 0V A RY I MCEN I Enables PLL Clock Output 43 TCLK O PLL Clock Output 44 SCLK I Sample Clock (Data is latched on the positive edge of the clock) PR EL 42 6 12/1999 ASAHI KASEI AK2711 THEORY OF OPERATION The AK2711 features an internal digital PLL to provide flexibility in the clock input. The PLL MODE pin allow for different clocking options. A digital supply of 5.25 to 2.7V can be used, though a 3V supply is recommended to minimize digital noise on the board. The CEN pin is provided to reset the internal filters, in case of an overflow condition and correct initialization during power up.An on-chip reference and reference buffer is included on the AK2711. The 2.5V reference provides for a 4V pk-pk differential output full scale. Digital Inputs The AK2711 includes a 3rd order switched capacitor discrete time low pass filter followed by a 2nd order analog continuos time low pass filter. These filters eliminate the need for any additional off chip external reconstruction filtering. The continuos time filtering results in glitch free output waveforms. Phase Lock Loop A digital phase lock loop is integrated on chip to provide flexibility in clocking. The Mode pins allow MCLK to 1x, 2x, 4x and 16x times the SCLK frequency. The Range pins allow for a different ranges of SCLK from 625KHz to 2.5MHz. The best performance is achieved when the PLL is bypassed. Analog Output and Reference Overview The value of VCM defines the maximum output voltage to the AK2711. An internal reference buffer scales the VCM of 2.5V to create REFH and REFL. The scale factor for these buffers is 0.8. Thus the maximum output voltage of the D/A is defined to be +0.8 x VCM = +2V to -0.8 x VCM = -2V. Output Drive, Buffering and Loading IM A parallel data interface uses the sample clock (SCLK) to clock in the input data. The positive edge of SCLK strobes the 2's complement data into the input registers of the AK2711. The SCLK can be asynchronous to the master clock (MCLK). Analog Filtering A RY The on-chip interpolation filter and continuos time filter provides excellent stop-band rejection to suppress any stray signal greater than 0.745MHz, substantially easing the requirements of any anti-imaging filter for the analog output path. is intended to further reduce the quantization noise introduced by the multibit DAC. This dithering can be externally turned off using a test mode pin, DITHEN. IN The AK2711 is a 16 bit, 2.5MSPS Digital to Analog converter intended for xDSL and high speed instrumentation, medical imaging and high resolution, high speed signal generation. A novel delta-sigma modulator operating at 20Mhz employing multibit quantization and dynamic element matching techniques achieves 86dB signal to noise performance, with a 86dB of spurious free dynamic range and a low power dissipation of 200mW. EL Digital Interpolation Filter The AK2711 analog output stage is able to drive a load of 1K ohms. If a single ended output is required, a differential to single ended instrument op amp circuit is required. Level scaling can also be achieved easily using this circuit. PR The purpose of the interpolator is to oversample the input data, i.e. to increase the sample rate so that the attentuation requirements on the analog filters are relaxed. The interpolation is performed using a multistage FIR digital filters.The filtering introduces a +0.05dB of passband ripple and a stopband attentuation of -70dB. Multibit Sigma Delta Modulator The AK2711 employs a multi bit sigma delta using proprietary dynamic element matching techniques to provide excellent linearity. Dither Generator DIFFERENTIAL TO SINGLE ENDED DRIVER R2 R1 R1 R2 Figure 1: AC Coupled Differential Buffer with Level Shifting The AK2711 includes an on chip dither generator, which 12/1999 7 AK2711 ASAHI KASEI REFERENCE OPERATION The AK2711 contains an integrated bandgap reference and a internal reference buffer amplifier. This reference generates a 2.5V. The actual voltages used by the internal circuitry of the AK2711 appear on the REFH and REFL pins. For proper operation, it is necessary to add a capacitive network to decoupled the pins. All digital switching lines must be drawn away from these pins. SCLK TCLK MCEN MCBP R1 R0 M1 M0 CEN MCLK SVSS 0 . 1uF AK2711 DATA DATA DVDD DVSS AVSS SCAN TST DEMEN BIAS PIN The pin is connected to a 4.99k ohms. This sets up the bias currents to all the analog circuitry. Minimization of capacitance to this pin is recommended in order to prevent instability of the bias pin amplifier. CLOCK INPUT CONSIDERATION 1 0uF 0 . 1uF AVSS REFH REFL RBIAS AVDD AVSS VCOM OUTP OUTN DITHEN 0 . 1uF 1 0uF 1 0uF 0 . 1uF 1 0uF 0 . 1uF 0 . 1uF A RY The clock input should be treated as an analog signal in cases where aperture jitter may affect the dynamic range of the AK2711. The CLK input buffer is powered by a 5V analog supply and requires high and low levels of 3.5V and 1V respectively. Low jitter crystal controlled oscillators make the best clock source 1 0uF SVDD 1 0uF Figure2: Decoupling and Bias Connection for AK2711 IM Analog and Digital Grounding Multi layer printed circuit boards (PCBs) are recommended to provide for optimal grounding and power schemes. The use of ground and power planes results in both a reduction of electromagnetic interference (EMI) and an overall improvement in performance. IN GROUNDING AND DECOUPLING EL It is important to design a layout that prevents noise from coupling onto the input signal. Digital signals should not be run in parallel with input signal traces and should be routed away from the input circuitry. While AK2711 features separate analog and digital pins, it should be treated as an analog component. Analog and Digital Supply Decoupling PR The analog and digital supplies should be decoupled as close to the chip as physically possible. A combination of 0.1uF and 10uF should be connected between each pair of power supplies: AVDD and AVSS, DVDD and DVSS, and SVDD and SVSS. An external decoupling and bias network is shown in figure 2. 8 12/1999 ASAHI KASEI AK2711 MARKING SPEC Marking Spec AKM AK2711 XXXXXXX JAPAN XXXXXXX Date and Production Code PR EL IM IN A RY JAPAN Country Of Origin 12/1999 9 AK2711 ASAHI KASEI OUTLINE DIMENSIONS 12.8 + 0.3 10.0 0~10 10.0 12.8+ 0.3 1.4 0.6 +0.2 0.37 1.4 M A RY 0.17 0.1+0.1 0.1 44-Lead LQFP 1.7MAX 0.8 Dimensions shown in millimeters IN 0.1 IM Important Notice These products and their specifications are subject to change without notice. Before considering any use or application, consult the Asahi Kasei Microsystems Co., Ltd. (AKM) sales office or authorized distributor concerning their current status. EL AKM assumes no liability for infringement of any patent, intellectual property, or other right in the application or use of any information contained herein. Any export of these products, or devices or systems containing them, may require an export license or other official approval under the law and regulations of the country of export pertaining to customs and tariffs, currency exchange, or strategic materials. PR AKM products are neither intended nor authorized for use as critical components in any safety, life support, or other hazard related device or system, and AKM assumes no responsibility relating to any such use, except with the express written consent of the Representative Director of AKM. As used here: a. A hazard related device or system is one designed or intended for life support or maintenance of safety or for applications in medicine, aerospace, nuclear energy, or other fields, in which its failure to function or perform may reasonable be expected to result in loss of life or in significant injury or damage to person or property. b. A critical component is one whose failure to function or perform may reasonably be expected to result, whether directly or indirectly, in the loss of the safety or effectiveness of the device or system containing it, and which must therefore meet very high standards of performance and reliability. It is the responsibility of the buyer or distributor of an AKM product who contributes, disposes of, or otherwise places the product with a third party to notify that party in advance of the above content and conditions, and the buyer or distributor agrees to assume any and all responsibility and liability for and hold AKM harmless from any and all claims arising from the use of said product in the absence of such notification. 12/1999