12/1999 7
The AK2711 is a 16 bit, 2.5MSPS Digital to Analog
converter intended for xDSL and high speed
instrumentation, medical imaging and high resolution,
high spe ed s ignal generation. A novel delta-sig ma
modula tor operating at 20Mhz employing multibi t
quantization and dynamic element ma tching tec hniques
achieves 86dB signal to noise performance, with a 86dB
of spurious free dyna mic range and a low power
dissipation of 200mW.
The on-chip interpolation filter and continuos time filter
provides excellent stop-band rejection to suppress any
stray signal greater than 0.745MH z, substantially easing
the requirements of any anti-imaging filter for the analog
outpu t path.
The AK2711 features an internal digital PLL to provide
flexibility in the cl ock i nput. The PLL MODE pi n allow
for dif f erent cl ocking options . A dig ital suppl y of 5.25 to
2.7V can be us ed, though a 3V supply is recommended to
minimize digit al noise on the board. The CEN pin is
provided to reset the internal filters, in case of an
overflow condition and correct initializa tion during
power up.An on-chip reference and refere nce buffer is
includ ed on th e AK271 1. The 2 .5V reference provide s for
a 4V pk-pk differential output full scale.
Digital Inputs
A paralle l da ta inte rfac e uses the sa mple c lock (S CLK) to
clock in the input data. The posit ive edge of SCLK
strobes the 2’s compl ement dat a into t he in put regis ters of
the AK2711. The SCLK can be asynchronous to the
master clock (MCLK).
Digital Interpolation Filter
The purpose of the interpolator is to oversamp le the input
data, i.e. to increase the sample rate so that the
attentuati on requirements on the analog filte rs are
relaxed. The interpolati on is performed using a multis tage
FIR digital filters.The filtering introduces a +0.05dB of
passband ripple and a stopband attentuation of -70dB.
Multibit Sigma Delta Modulator
The AK2711 employs a mu lti bit sigma delta using
proprietary dynamic element ma tching tec hniques to
provide excellent linearity.
Dither Generator
The AK2711 includes an on chip dither generator, which
is intended to further reduce the quantization noise
introduced by the multibit DAC. This dithering can be
externally turned off using a test mode pin, DITHEN.
Analog Filtering
The AK2711 includes a 3rd order switch ed capacitor
discrete time low pa ss filter followed by a 2nd order
analog continuos time low pass filter. These filters
elim inate the need f or any ad ditional off chip ext ernal
reconstruction filtering. The continuos time filtering
results in glit ch fre e output waveforms.
Phase Lock Loop
A digital phase lock l oop is integrated on chip to provide
flexibility in clocking. The Mode pins allow MCLK to
1x, 2x, 4x and 16x t imes the SCLK fr equenc y. The Range
pins allow for a different ranges of SCLK from 625K Hz
to 2.5MHz. The best performanc e is achieved when the
PLL is bypassed.
Analog Output and Reference Overview
The va lue o f VCM defines the maximum output voltage
to the AK2711. An internal referenc e buffer scal es the
VCM of 2.5V to create REFH and REFL. The scale factor
for thes e buf fers i s 0.8. Thus the maxi mum ou tput vol ta ge
of the D/A is defined to be +0.8 x VCM = +2V to -0.8 x
VCM = -2V.
Output Drive, Buffering and Loading
The A K2711 analo g outpu t s tag e is abl e to dr ive a loa d of
1K ohms. If a singl e end ed output is require d, a
differential to single ended instrument op amp circuit is
required. Level scaling can also be achieved easily using
th is circuit.
Figur e 1: AC Couple d Different ial Buff er with Level Shifting