SPP11N60C3 SPI11N60C3, SPA11N60C3, SPA11N60C3 E8185 Cool MOSTM Power Transistor VDS @ Tjmax 650 V RDS(on) 0.38 ID 11 A Feature * New revolutionary high voltage technology * Ultra low gate charge * Periodic avalanche rated PG-TO220FP PG-TO262 PG-TO220 * Extreme dv/dt rated * High peak current capability 1 * Improved transconductance 2 3 P-TO220-3-31 * PG-TO-220-3-31;-3-111: Fully isolated package (2500 VAC; 1 minute) Type Package Ordering Code Marking SPP11N60C3 PG-TO220 Q67040-S4395 11N60C3 SPI11N60C3 PG-TO262 Q67042-S4403 11N60C3 Q67040-S4408 11N60C3 SPA11N60C3 PG-TO220FP 11N60C3 SPA11N60C3E8185 PG-TO220 Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Value SPA SPP_I Continuous drain current Unit ID A TC = 25 C 11 11 1) TC = 100 C 7 71) 33 33 Pulsed drain current, tp limited by Tjmax ID puls Avalanche energy, single pulse EAS 340 340 EAR 0.6 0.6 Avalanche current, repetitive tAR limited by Tjmax IAR 11 11 A Gate source voltage static VGS 20 20 V Gate source voltage AC (f >1Hz) VGS 30 30 Power dissipation, TC = 25C Ptot 125 33 Operating and storage temperature Tj , Tstg Reverse diode dv/dt 7) dv/dt A mJ ID=5.5A, VDD=50V Avalanche energy, repetitive tAR limited by Tjmax2) ID=11A, VDD=50V Rev. 3.2 Page 1 -55...+150 15 W C V/ns 2009-11-27 SPP11N60C3 SPI11N60C3, SPA11N60C3, SPA11N60C3 E8185 Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Drain Source voltage slope dv/dt Value Unit 50 V/ns Values Unit VDS = 480 V, ID = 11 A, Tj = 125 C Thermal Characteristics Symbol Parameter min. typ. max. Thermal resistance, junction - case RthJC - - 1 Thermal resistance, junction - case, FullPAK RthJC_FP - - 3.8 Thermal resistance, junction - ambient, leaded RthJA - - 62 Thermal resistance, junction - ambient, FullPAK RthJA_FP - - 80 SMD version, device on PCB: RthJA @ min. footprint - - 62 @ 6 cm 2 cooling area 3) - 35 - - - 260 Soldering temperature, wavesoldering Tsold K/W C 1.6 mm (0.063 in.) from case for 10s 4) Electrical Characteristics, at Tj=25C unless otherwise specified Parameter Symbol Conditions Drain-source breakdown voltage V(BR)DSS VGS=0V, ID=0.25mA Drain-Source avalanche V(BR)DS VGS=0V, ID=11A Values Unit min. typ. max. 600 - - - 700 - 2.1 3 3.9 V breakdown voltage Gate threshold voltage VGS(th) ID=500A, VGS =VDS Zero gate voltage drain current I DSS VDS=600V, V GS=0V, Gate-source leakage current I GSS Drain-source on-state resistance RDS(on) Gate input resistance Rev. 3.2 RG A Tj=25C - 0.1 1 Tj=150C - - 100 VGS=30V, V DS=0V - - 100 VGS=10V, ID=7A Tj=25C - 0.34 0.38 Tj=150C - 0.92 - f=1MHz, open drain - 0.86 - Page 2 nA 2009-11-27 SPP11N60C3 SPI11N60C3, SPA11N60C3, SPA11N60C3 E8185 Electrical Characteristics Parameter Transconductance Symbol gfs Conditions VDS2*ID*R DS(on)max, Values Unit min. typ. max. - 8.3 - S pF ID=7A Input capacitance Ciss VGS=0V, VDS=25V, - 1200 - Output capacitance Coss f=1MHz - 390 - Reverse transfer capacitance Crss - 30 - - 45 - - 85 - Effective output capacitance,5) Co(er) energy related VGS=0V, VDS=0V to 480V Effective output capacitance,6) Co(tr) time related Turn-on delay time td(on) VDD=380V, VGS=0/10V, - 10 - Rise time tr ID=11A, - 5 - Turn-off delay time td(off) RG =6.8 - 44 70 Fall time tf - 5 9 - 5.5 - - 22 - - 45 60 - 5.5 - ns Gate Charge Characteristics Gate to source charge Qgs Gate to drain charge Qgd Gate charge total Qg VDD=480V, ID=11A VDD=480V, ID=11A, nC VGS=0 to 10V Gate plateau voltage V(plateau) VDD=480V, ID=11A V 1Limited only by maximum temperature 2Repetitve avalanche causes additional power losses that can be calculated as P =E *f. AR AV 3Device on 40mm*40mm*1.5mm epoxy PCB FR4 with 6cm (one layer, 70 m thick) copper area for drain connection. PCB is vertical without blown air. 4Soldering temperature for TO-263: 220C, reflow 5C o(er) is a fixed capacitance that gives the same stored energy as Coss while VDS is rising from 0 to 80% VDSS. 6C o(tr) is a fixed capacitance that gives the same charging time as Coss while VDS is rising from 0 to 80% V DSS. 7ISD<=ID, di/dt<=400A/us, VDClink=400V, Vpeak<VBR, DSS, Tj<Tj,max. Identical low-side and high-side switch. Rev. 3 .2 Page 3 2009-11-27 SPP11N60C3 SPI11N60C3, SPA11N60C3, SPA11N60C3 E8185 Electrical Characteristics Symbol Parameter Inverse diode continuous IS Conditions Values Unit min. typ. max. - - 11 - - 33 TC=25C A forward current Inverse diode direct current, I SM pulsed Inverse diode forward voltage VSD VGS =0V, IF=IS - 1 1.2 V Reverse recovery time t rr VR =480V, IF =IS , - 400 600 ns Reverse recovery charge Q rr diF/dt=100A/s - 6 - C Peak reverse recovery current I rrm - 41 - A Peak rate of fall of reverse dirr /dt - 1200 - A/s Tj=25C recovery current Typical Transient Thermal Characteristics Symbol Value Unit SPP_I SPA Rth1 0.015 0.15 Rth2 0.03 Rth3 Symbol Value Unit SPP_I SPA Cth1 0.0001878 0.0001878 0.03 Cth2 0.0007106 0.0007106 0.056 0.056 Cth3 0.000988 0.000988 Rth4 0.197 0.194 Cth4 0.002791 0.002791 Rth5 0.216 0.413 Cth5 0.007285 0.007401 Rth6 0.083 2.522 Cth6 0.063 0.412 Tj K/W R th1 R th,n T case Ws/K E xternal H eatsink P tot (t) C th1 C th2 C th,n T am b Rev . 3.2 Page 4 2009-11-27 SPP11N60C3 SPI11N60C3, SPA11N60C3, SPA11N60C3 E8185 1 Power dissipation 2 Power dissipation FullPAK Ptot = f (TC) Ptot = f (TC) SPP11N60C3 35 140 W W 120 110 25 Ptot Ptot 100 90 20 80 70 15 60 50 10 40 30 5 20 10 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 C 0 0 160 20 40 60 80 100 120 TC 3 Safe operating area 4 Safe operating area FullPAK ID = f ( VDS ) ID = f (VDS) parameter : D = 0 , TC=25C parameter: D = 0, TC = 25C 10 2 C 160 TC 10 2 10 1 10 1 ID A ID A 10 0 10 -1 10 0 tp = 0.001 ms tp = 0.01 ms tp = 0.1 ms tp = 1 ms DC 10 -2 0 10 Rev. 10 3 .2 1 10 -1 10 2 10 V VDS 3 10 -2 0 10 Page 5 tp = 0.001 ms tp = 0.01 ms tp = 0.1 ms tp = 1 ms tp = 10 ms DC 10 1 10 2 10 V VDS 2009-11-27 3 2SPP11N60C3 SPI11N60C3, SPA11N60C3, SPA11N60C3 E8185 5 Transient thermal impedance 6 Transient thermal impedance FullPAK ZthJC = f (tp) ZthJC = f (tp) parameter: D = tp/T parameter: D = tp/t 10 1 10 1 K/W K/W 10 0 ZthJC ZthJC 10 0 10 -1 D = 0.5 D = 0.2 D = 0.1 D = 0.05 D = 0.02 D = 0.01 single pulse 10 -2 10 -3 10 -4 -7 10 10 -6 10 -5 10 -4 10 -3 s tp 10 -1 D = 0.5 D = 0.2 D = 0.1 D = 0.05 D = 0.02 D = 0.01 single pulse 10 -2 10 -3 10 10 -4 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 -1 tp 7 Typ. output characteristic 8 Typ. output characteristic ID = f (VDS); Tj =25C ID = f (VDS); Tj =150C parameter: tp = 10 s, VGS parameter: tp = 10 s, VGS 40 22 20V 10V 8V A 20V 8V 7V 7.5V A 32 18 7V 6V 16 6,5V 24 ID 28 ID 1 s 10 14 5.5V 12 20 6V 10 16 5V 8 5,5V 12 6 4.5V 8 4 0 0 Rev. 3 .2 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 5V 4 4,5V 2 4V 0 0 27 V VDS 5 10 15 25 V VDS Page 6 2007-08-30 SPP11N60C3 SPI11N60C3, SPA11N60C3, SPA11N60C3 E8185 9 Typ. drain-source on resistance 10 Drain-source on-state resistance RDS(on)=f(ID) RDS(on) = f (Tj) parameter: Tj=150C, VGS parameter : ID = 7 A, VGS = 10 V 2.1 2 SPP11N60C3 1.8 4.5V 5V 6V 5.5V 1.6 RDS(on) RDS(on) 4V 1.4 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.2 1 0.8 1 0.6 0.8 98% 6.5V 8V 20V 0.6 0.4 0 0.4 2 4 6 8 10 12 typ 0.2 14 16 A ID 0 -60 20 -20 20 60 100 180 Tj 11 Typ. transfer characteristics 12 Typ. gate charge ID = f ( VGS ); VDS 2 x ID x RDS(on)max VGS = f (Q Gate) parameter: ID = 11 A pulsed parameter: tp = 10 s C 40 16 A SPP11N60C3 V 25C 32 12 24 VGS ID 28 150C 20 0,2 VDS max 10 0,8 VDS max 8 16 6 12 4 8 2 4 0 0 Rev. 2 3.2 4 6 8 10 12 0 0 V 15 VGS 10 20 30 40 50 nC 70 QGate Page 7 2009-11-27 SPP11N60C3 SPI11N60C3, SPA11N60C3, SPA11N60C3 E8185 13 Forward characteristics of body diode 14 Typ. switching time IF = f (VSD) t = f (ID), inductive load, Tj =125C parameter: Tj , tp = 10 s par.: VDS =380V, VGS=0/+13V, RG=6.8 2 SPP11N60C3 10 70 ns A 60 td(off) 55 50 10 1 t IF 45 40 35 30 25 10 0 Tj = 25 C typ 20 Tj = 150 C typ 15 Tj = 25 C (98%) 10 Tj = 150 C (98%) 10 -1 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 V 3 tf td(on) 5 tr 0 0 2 4 6 8 12 A ID VSD 15 Typ. switching time 16 Typ. drain current slope t = f (RG ), inductive load, Tj =125C di/dt = f(RG ), inductive load, Tj = 125C par.: VDS =380V, VGS=0/+13V, ID=11 A par.: VDS =380V, VGS=0/+13V, ID=11A 350 3000 ns A/s t di/dt 250 2000 200 td(off) td(on) tr tf 150 1500 1000 100 di/dt(off) 500 50 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 0 70 RG Rev. 3 .2 di/dt(on) 20 40 60 80 120 RG Page 8 2009-11-27 SPP11N60C3 SPI11N60C3, SPA11N60C3, SPA11N60C3 E8185 17 Typ. drain source voltage slope 18 Typ. switching losses dv/dt = f(RG), inductive load, Tj = 125C E = f (ID), inductive load, Tj=125C par.: VDS =380V, VGS=0/+13V, ID=11A par.: VDS =380V, VGS=0/+13V, RG=6.8 140 0.04 V/ns mWs 120 *) Eon includes SPD06S60 diode commutation losses dv/dt(off) 110 0.03 dv/dt 100 E 90 0.025 80 0.02 70 60 0.015 50 40 Eon* 0.01 dv/dt(on) 30 0.005 Eoff 20 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 0 70 2 4 6 8 ID RG 19 Typ. switching losses 20 Avalanche SOA E = f(RG), inductive load, T j=125C IAR = f (tAR) par.: VDS =380V, VGS=0/+13V, ID=11A par.: Tj 150 C 0.24 12 A 11 *) Eon includes SPD06S60 diode commutation losses A mWs 9 8 0.16 E IAR Eoff 7 6 0.12 5 T j(START)=25C 4 0.08 3 Eon* T j(START)=125C 2 0.04 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 70 0 -3 10 RG Rev . 3 .2 Page 9 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 4 s 10 tAR 2009-11-27 SPP11N60C3 SPI11N60C3, SPA11N60C3, SPA11N60C3 E8185 21 Avalanche energy 22 Drain-source breakdown voltage EAS = f (Tj) V(BR)DSS = f (Tj) par.: ID = 5.5 A, VDD = 50 V SPP11N60C3 350 720 V V(BR)DSS mJ EAS 250 200 680 660 640 620 150 600 100 580 50 560 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 540 -60 160 C -20 20 60 100 180 C Tj Tj 23 Avalanche power losses 24 Typ. capacitances PAR = f (f ) C = f (VDS) parameter: EAR =0.6mJ parameter: VGS =0V, f=1 MHz 10 4 300 pF W Ciss 200 C P AR 10 3 10 2 150 Coss 100 10 1 Crss 10 0 0 100 50 0 4 10 10 5 10 Hz 6 3 .2 300 400 V 600 VDS f Rev. 200 Page 10 2009-11-27 SPP11N60C3 SPI11N60C3, SPA11N60C3, SPA11N60C3 E8185 25 Typ. Coss stored energy Eoss=f(VDS) 7.5 J 6 Eoss 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 100 200 300 400 V 600 VDS Definition of diodes switching characteristics Rev . 3 .2 Page 11 2009-11-27 SPP11N60C3 SPI11N60C3, SPA11N60C3, SPA11N60C3 E8185 PG-TO-220-3-1, PG-TO-220-3-21 Rev. 3.2 Page 12 2009-11-27 SPP11N60C3 SPI11N60C3, SPA11N60C3, SPA11N60C3 E8185 PG-TO-220-3-31/3-111: Outline/ Fully isolated package (2500VAC; 1 minute). Rev. 3.2 Page 13 2009-11-27 SPP11N60C3 SPI11N60C3, SPA11N60C3, SPA11N60C3 E8185 PG-TO-262-3-1 (I-PAK) Rev. 3.2 Page 14 2009-11-27 SPP11N60C3 SPI11N60C3, SPA11N60C3, SPA11N60C3 E8185 PG-TO220-3-36:Outline fully isolated package (2500VAC; 1 minute) Rev. 3.2 Page 15 2009-11-27 SPP11N60C3 SPI11N60C3, SPA11N60C3, SPA11N60C3 E8185 Published by Infineon Technologies AG 81726 Munich, Germany (c) 2007 Infineon Technologies AG All Rights Reserved. Legal Disclaimer The information given in this document shall in no event be regarded as a guarantee of conditions or characteristics. With respect to any examples or hints given herein, any typical values stated herein and/or any information regarding the application of the device, Infineon Technologies hereby disclaims any and all warranties and liabilities of any kind, including without limitation, warranties of non-infringement of intellectual property rights of any third party. Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office (www.infineon.com). Warnings Due to technical requirements, components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies components may be used in life-support devices or systems only with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life-support device or system or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered. Rev. 3.2 Page 16 2009-11-27 Mouser Electronics Authorized Distributor Click to View Pricing, Inventory, Delivery & Lifecycle Information: Infineon: SPP11N60C3XKSA1 SPI11N60C3XKSA1