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Specification : TS-S01D073A
January, 2002
4. Pin Assignment
5. Absolute Maximum Ratings
Stresses in excess of the absolute maximum ratings can cause permanent damage to the device.
Do not disassemble this product. Otherwise, failure, electrical shock, overheating or fire may occur.
Handle the lead pins carefully. Use assisting tools or prospective aids as required. A lead pin may injure skin or human body
Use the product with the rated voltage described in the specification. If the voltage exceeds the maximum rating, overheating or fire
may occur.
Do not store the product in the area where temperature exceeds the maximum rating, where there is too much moisture or damp-
ness, where there is acid gas or corrosive gas, or other extreme conditions. Otherwise, failure, overheating or fire may occur.
Function S
mbol No. No. S
mbol Function
GND 1 24 Vcc Positive
ower su
for back facet PD current BACK
2 23 GND Ground
Laser De
rade Alarm
LDA 3 22 Ckib Fals e clock in
Shut Down Command (*2) SDC 4 21 GND Ground
Clock mode select
SELC 5 20 Cki True clock in
Ground GND 6 19 GND Ground
erature Deviation Alarm
TDA 7 18 Dib False data in
No User Connection NUC 8 17 GND Ground
No User Connection NUC 9 16 Di True data in
th Selection Command
WSC 10 15 GND Ground
Ground GND 11 14 VTEC TEC su
No Internal Connection NIC 12 13 Vcc Positive
ower su
Table 1 Logic state descriptions
H normal
L Laser end of life condition
H shut down mode
L operating mode (default) NOTE: When SDC, SELC and
H non clocked mode WSC are left open, they are
L clocked mode (default) default state respectively.
H temperature deviation alarm
L normal
H (n-1) ITU-T channel
L (n) ITU-T channel (default)
# Pins designated NUC (No User Connection) must not to be tied to GND or any other circuit potential.
*5 WSC
*1 LDA
*2 SDC
*4 TDA
Symbol Min. Max. Unit
Storage Case Temperature Ts -40 85 degC
Operating Case Temperature Tc -5 75 degC
Supply Voltage Vcc 0 6.0 V
TEC Supply Voltage Vtec 0 3.5 V
TEC Supply Current Itec 0 1.3 A
input Voltage Vi 0 Vcc+0.5 V
Lead Soldering temperature - 260 degC
time - 10 sec