PowerPact™ H-, J-, and L-Frame Circuit Breakers
Catalog Numbering
© 2011–2015 Schneider Electric
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Table 2: Factory Installed Accessory Suffix Codes (Building Sequence as Listed) and Field-Installable Kit Number
(1) Communication Networks
(5) Shunt Trip (6) Undervoltage Release UVR Voltage
Suffix Description Kit No. Suffix Kit No. Suffix Kit No.
EA NSX Cord 1.3 m, V 480 V S434201 SK S29384 UK S29404 24 Vac
EB NSX Cord 3 m, V 480 V S434202 SL S29385 UL S29405 48 Vac
ED NSX Cord 1.3 m, V > 480 V S434204 SA S29386 UA S29406 120 Vac
EE NSX Cord 3 m, V > 480 V S434303 SD S29387 UD S29407 208/277 Vac
EG4BSCM + NSX Cord 1.3 m, V 480 V S434201BS SH S29388 UH S29408 380/480 Vac
EH4BSCM + NSX Cord 3 m, V 480 V S434202BS SJ S29389 UJ S29409 525/600 Vac
EK4BSCM + NSX Cord 1.3 m, V > 480 V S434204BS SN S29382 UN S29402 12 Vdc
EL4BSCM + NSX Cord 3 m, V > 480 V S434303BS SO S29390 UO S29410 24 Vdc
EN 24 Vdc Power Supply Terminal Block S434210 SU S29391 UU S29411 30 Vdc
(2) Indication Contacts SP S29392 UP S29412 48 Vdc
SV S29383 UV S29403 60 Vdc
Suffix Description Kit No. SR S29393 UR S29413 125 Vdc
VSDX S429532 SS S29394 US S29414 250 Vdc
SDTAM (motor only trip units) S429424 (6) Communicating Motor Operator
(3) Auxiliary Switch Suffix Voltage H-Frame J-Frame L-Frame
Suffix Contacts Kit No. Kit Qty. NC 220/240 Vac S429441 S431549 S432652
AA 1A/1B Standard S29450 1 (7) Motor Operator
AB 2A/2B Standard S29450 2
AC 3A/3B Standard (L-frame only) S29450 3 Suffix Voltage H-Frame J-Frame L-Frame
AE 1A/1B Low-Level S29452 1 ML 48/60 Vac S29440 S31548 S432639
AF 2A/2B Low-Level S29452 2 MA 120 Vac S29433 S31540 S432640
AG 3A/3B Low Level (L-frame only) S29452 3 MD 277 Vac S29434 S31541 S432641
(4) Alarm/Overcurrent Trip Switch MF 380/415 Vac — — S432642
MH 440/480 Vac S29435 S31542 S432647
Suffix Switch Kit No. Kit Qty. MO 24/30 Vdc S29436 S31543 S432643
PowerPact L-Frame and PowerPact H/J-Frame with Micrologic 5/6 trip units MV 48/60 Vdc S29437 S31544 S432644
BC Alarm Switch S29450 1 MR 110/130 Vdc S29438 S31545 S432645
BH Alarm Switch Low-Level S29452 1 MS 250 Vdc S29439 S31546 S432646
BD Overcurrent Trip Switch, Standard
SDE Actuator
1(8) Rotary Handle
BJ Overcurrent Trip Switch, Low-Level
SDE Actuator
Suffix Handle Type (color) H/J-Frame L-Frame
RD10 Direct Mount (black) S29337 S32597
BE Alarm Switch and
Overcurrent Trip Switch, Standard S29450 2 RD20 Direct Mount (red) S29339 S32599
RE10 Extended Door Mount (black) S29338 S32598
BK Alarm Switch and
Overcurrent Trip Switch, Low-Level S29452 2 RT10 Telescoping (black) S29343 S32603
RE20 Extended Door Mount (red) S29340 S32600
PowerPact H/J-Frame with Thermal-Magnetic or Micrologic 1/2/3 trip units (9) Wire Harnesses2
BC Alarm Switch S29450 1
BH Alarm Switch Low-Level S29452 1 Suffix Harness2Kit No.
BD Overcurrent Trip Switch, Standard
SDE Actuator
YH3 ZSI Wire Harness, H/J Frame S434300
YH3 ZSI Wire Harness, L-Frame S434301
BJ Overcurrent Trip Switch, Low-Level
SDE Actuator
YH2 ENCT Wire Harness S434302
YH1 OF Wire Harness S434500
Alarm Switch and
Overcurrent Trip Switch, Standard
SDE Actuator
S29450 2 YH1 SD/SDE Wire Harness S434501
YH1 SDx/SDTAM Wire Harness S434502
S29451 1 YH1 MN Wire Harness S434503
Alarm Switch and
Overcurrent Trip Switch, Low-Level S29452 2 YH1 MX Wire Harness S434504
YH1 Motor Operator Wire Harness S434506
SDE Actuator S29451 1 YH1 Communicating Motor Operator Wire Harness S434507
Except for 24 Vdc Power Supply Terminal Block, installation requires IFM (STRV00210) for
Modbus communication and/or FDM (STRV00121) for external display.
YH1 = all installed accessories but ZSI and ENCT
YH2 = ENCT and all installed accessories
YH3 = ZSI and all installed accessories
YH4 = ZSI, ENCT and all installed accessories
I-Line wire harness included for communication network accessories.
Optional wire harness for unit mount requires YH1 suffix.
If using with a motor operator, requires Communicating Motor Operator (suffix NC).
Requires Micrologic trip unit U43, U44, U53, or U54 and communication accessories EG, EH, EK,
or EL.
YH13NSX Wire Harness S434508
YH4 ENCT and ZSI Wire Harnesses —
YH1324 Vdc Power Supply Wire Harness S434505
(10) Handle Padlocks
Suffix Padlock Type H/J-Frame L-Frame
YP Handle Padlock, ON or OFF S29371 S32631
YQ Handle Padlock, OFF Only S37422 NJPAF
YQ Handle Padlock, OFF Only 2P H2PHLA —