Mi croLogix 1500 Progr am mable Controller with Comp act I/O for Expansio n
•si ngle or dual RS-232 commu nicati o n port s
•7K or 12K pro cessors
•32-bit signed integer math and built-in PID capabilities
provide you with process control power.
•Embedded I/O prov ide enhanced high-speed inputs and
•Tw o analog trim poten tio me ters built into the controller. A
3/4 turn adjusts a n integ e r betwe e n 0 and 250, allowing easy
adjustme nts to timer/cou n ter presets, set points, conveyor
speed, valve adjustment, etc.
•Tw o hig h-speed ou tputs that can be con figured as 20 kHz
PTO (P ulse Train Outpu ts) or as PWM (Pu lse Width
M odulated) outputs with two acceleration/deceleration
profiles. These high- speed outpu ts allow sim pl e high-spee d
applications such as packagi ng or printing to be solved using a
low-cost, small controller system as an inexpensive step per or
servo motor controller.
•Data file download protection, saves critical user data from
being overwritten during program transfers. Application/user
variables can be preserved when a new program is downloaded.
•Programs writ t e n for Mic roLogix 1 000, M icroLogix 1200 or
SLC 500 c ontrollers can be ea sily converted and scaled to work
with a MicroLo gix 1500. That protects your software
inve stme nt when you need to scale yo ur contro l system up or
down. And , it saves you time a n d mon ey during de velopmen t
and testing.
•Micr oLogix 1500 pro vides an enhanced use r interface through
the use of function files that consolidate parameter s within
new features. Thi s simplifies the user interface and increases
contro ller per formance .
•Connection to DeviceNet (via 1761-NET-DNI) or DH-485
(via 1761-NET-AIC) networks. This enables:
–use of 1761-NET-DNI for connection t o Devic eNet with
up to 64 devices with slave I/O peer-to-peer, change of
state, and upload and download capability.
–use of 1 761-NET-AIC for conne ction to D H-485 ne tworks
of up to 32 devices with program upload and download
MicroLogix 1500 System
The Micr oLog ix 1500 is a worl d-class
programm a ble logic con trol pla tform wi th
advanced fea tures and perf orm a nce. Many
of these new features all ow this controller to
be used in applications where much larger
controllers wer e required in the past.
The M icroLogi x 1500 c ontroll er f eature s an
innova tive two-piece design with a small
footprint. The processor and base units slide
together to form the com plete cont roller.
The processor and base are independently
r eplaceable, al lo wing you to maximize your
embedded I/O options while minimizing
inventory stocking costs.
The Mic roLogix 1500 uses Compact ™
I/O modules to further expand the
embedded I/O offerings, as well as to
pro vide the additional flexibility to cover a
wide range of applications. This high-
performance modul ar and rackless I/O
platform provide s front accessibility for
removal and insertion, loweri ng system cost
and redu cing maintenance time.
The Micr o Log ix 1500 syst e m also ut ilizes
Rockwell Software RSLogix™ 500
progr am m in g so ftw a re, an d fea ture s an
instruc tion set common to the MicroLogix
1000, MicroLogi x 1200 and SLC fa milies
of controllers . This allows you to choose
just the right level of contr ol using the same
program mi ng tool .
A field-upgradeable flash operating system
ensures you will always be up to date with
the latest features. The controller may be
easily updated with latest firmware via web
site download.
Program portability of user programs
(upload, download and transport) is
acc omplished via Memory Mod ules. Real-
Time Clock (RTC) modules provide
scheduling of control capability.
The optional Data Access Tool (DAT) plug-
in d e vi ce o f fe r s yo u th e abil it y t o d igi t all y
monitor and ad just 48 integer and 48 bit
locations for on-the-fly adjustment. Two
add it io n al functi o n k ey s ea ch act as
momentary and toggle push buttons.
Secur ity features may be used to protec t
data from operator changes.