international Rectifier Bulletin U2788A DF SERIES 1A Single Phase D.|.L. Rectifier Bridge * Leads on standard 0.1" grid. * Suitable for automatic insertion. + Olav) * High surge current capability. ~ lovavy * Fully characterised data. \ ( * Wide temperature range. - * Surface maunt option. loeyy = 1-0 A Varn range 50 to 1000V Description The DF Series of Single Phase Rectifier Bridges consists of four silicon junctions encapsulated in a 4 pin D.I.L. package. These devices are intended for general use in industrial and consumer equipment. Electrical Specification a a DF... | Units | Conditions by Maximum DC output 1.0 I A | Typ 7 40C, Resistive or inductive toad current 08 l A | Timp = 40C, Capacitive load Maximum peak ane 30 A t= 10ms, 20ms | Following any rated cycle, non-repetitive 31 A t= 8.3ms, 16.7ms {load condition and with surge current rated V,,, reapplied tt Maximum i*t capability 45 As | (= 10ms { initial T, = T, max for fusing 44 As t= 8.3ms | 100% V.., reapplied 6.4 As t= toms | Initial T, = 7, max .B (Als {= 8.ams | No voltage reapplied Pvt Maximum yt 64 ANS 1= 0.1 to 10ms, no voltage reapplied capability for fusing Vey Maximum peak forward 1.0 Vv bey = 1.04, T, = 25C voltage per diode | law TYPiGal peak reverse I 5 mA T, = 25C, 100% Vanw leakage per diode | 100 mA T, = 150C. 100% Vary f Operating frequency 400 ta 1000) Hz range | Varew Maximum repetitive peak | 60 to 1000 v reverse voltage range | Thermal and Mechanical Specifications T, Operating and storage -40 to 150 T temperature range stg junctions to ambientDF SERIES IcsR Voltage Specifications Part Number Vaew Maximum repetitive Vas: Maximum non- peak reverse vepentive peak voltage reverse voltage v v DFOO05 50 80 OFOt 400 150 DFOz. 200 300 DFO4. 400 500 OFO6. 600 700 DFO8 800 900 OF10 4000 4100 Part Numbering To specify standard outline add 'M' suffix. e.g. DFOSM etc. To specify surface mount option (S.M.D.) add S' suffix. e.g. DF04S etc. To specify tape reel option add 'TRR16' or 'TR16' suffix. e.g. 1BOBSTRR16, IBOZSTR16 etc. A 3 Instantaneous Forward Current ot 5 2 C4 CE 0&8 10 12 t4 16 18 20 Ingantaneous Forward Voltage - v Fig. 1 - Forward Characteristics 2 a Resisiwe o a o D 1 Capactve Average Output Current oe 89 Do oon @ Fo 8 Oo 20 46 BF a 180 12 140 180 Maximum Allowable Ambient Temperate - C Fig. 3 - Current Ratings 7 Ww Maximum Total Power Loss 02 93 04 G5 05 O7 O8 OD Average Output Current - A Fig. 2 - Power Loss Characteristics 3 04 30 2B 26 22 20 18 Maximum Peak Surge Current = 20 10 t 10 Pulse Train Duration - 5 Fig. 4 - Non-Repetititive Surge Ratings 10DF SERIES DF...S TT TE= + 61259 | Ticinze | 2 t z { t l |= yo w7Ran) wet Tape Colour - Black Ll i noma { \ @ Identitication Label 400.) BIT) i Howat Tost i ' mean) TT 1 td, 120.19) smo 1.1) ! " t a FGI a, on i ! LMEO.10} 1 . een a3) i i | 1200621 300.082) he Te ae Tf ! sma: ty | 1 ara : 1400085) 1 a0 55 t Naas sw) 40H) Sapam 4830210) aeja20 Tape Regi Tape Reel Dimensions for DF.. TRR16 Tape Reel Dimensions for DF. TRIG 20m 208m = r 4910071 41090.) ! [7 sae 1a0moen Sziget) 4100. wl ~ 200DO7 5 : Tacuosa) t Szawpoom = 309A) | i oO Tamas On.278) | i jo i a TE tenes nem | F | aL Unreel Direction 000 pes per Reel 700.41 _ seat $560.25) 15 210.898) imo) sors | wml? IN) SV aS Tape Colour- White Teagan Tt i Footprint and Pac Dimensions ae ~<t G 5 0N.A 1 smnra.tth All dimmensions in millimatres(inches)