LPT40 Series Data Sheet
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LPT40 Series-DS 21Mar2016
Pin Assignments
Connector LPT41 LPT42 LPT43 LPT44 LPT45 LPT46 LPT47
SK1-1 Line Line Line Line Line Line Line
SK1-3 Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral Neutral
SK2-1 5V +12V +12V +12V +15V +24V +24V
SK2-2 3.3V +5V +5V +5V +5V +5V +5V
SK2-3 3.3V +5V +5V +5V +5V +5V +5V
SK2-4 Common Common Common Common Common Common Common
SK2-5 Common Common Common Common Common Common Common
SK2-6 12V -12V -12V -5V -15V +12V -12V
SK201-1 +Sense +Sense +Sense +Sense +Sense +Sense +Sense
SK201-2 -Sense -Sense -Sense -Sense -Sense -Sense -Sense
Mating Connectors
AC Input
Molex 09-50-8031 (USA)
09-93-0300 (UK)
PINS: 08-52-0113
DC Outputs
Molex 09-50-8061 (USA)
09-93-0600 (UK)
PINS: 08-52-0113
Remote Sense Molex 22-01-2025
PINS: 08-52-0123
Artesyn Embedded Technologies Connector Kit #70-841-006, includes all of the above
1. Specifications subject to change without notice.
2. All dimensions in inches (mm), tolerance is ±0.02”¬¬ (±0.5 mm)
3. Mounting holes M1 and M2 should be grounded for EMI purposes.
4. Mounting hole M1 is safety ground connection.
5. Specifications are for convection rating at factory settings at 115 VAC input, 25 °C unless otherwise stated.
6. Warranty: 2 year
7. Weight: 0.5 lbs/0.23 kg