(A) MOTOROLA 8192-BIT READ ONLY MEMORIES ROW SELECT CHARACTER GENERATORS The MCM6S70 is a mask-prograrnmable 8192-bit horizontal-scan lrow select) character generator. !t contains 128 characters in a 7 x 9 matrix, and has the capability of shifting certain characters that normaily extend beiow the baseline, such as j, , g. BP, and q. Circuitry is supplied internatly to effectively lower the whole matrix for this type of character a feature Previously requiring external circuitry. A seven-bit address code is used to select one of the 128 available char- acters. Each character is defined as a specific combination of logic 1s and O's stored in a 7 x 9 matrix. When a specific four-bit binary row select code is applied, a word of seven parallel bits appears at the output. The rows can be sequentially selected, providing a nine-word sequence of seven parallel bits per word for each character selected by the address inputs. As the.row select in- puts are sequentially addressed, the devices will automatically place the 7 x 3 character in one of two pre-programmed positions on the 16-row matrix, with the positions defined by the four row select inputs. Rows that are not part of the character are automatically blanked. The MCM6571, MCM6571A, and MCM6572 thru MCM6579 are pre-pro- grammed versions of the MCM6570. They contain various sets of characters to meet the requirements of diverse applications. The complete patterns of these devices are contained in this data sheet. @ Static Operation @ TTL Compatibility CMOS Compatibility (5 V) @ Shifted Character Capability (Except MCM6572, MCM6573) MCM6570 MCM 6571 MCM6571A MCM6572 thru MCM6579 MOS (N-CHANNEL, LOW THRESHOLD} 8K READ ONLY MEMORIES HORIZONTAL-SCAN CHARACTER GENERATORS WITH SHIFTED CHARACTERS L SUFFIX 24 CERAMIC PACKAGE CASE 684 @ Maximum Access Time = 500 ns ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (See Note 1, Voltages referenced to Vgs} Rating Symbol Value Unit eFIX P SUFFI + Supply Voltages Vec 0.3 to +6.0 Vde PLASTIC PACKAGE Vpo -0.3 to +15 CASE 709 VeB -10 to 10.3 Data Input Volrage Vin -0.3 to +15 Vde ing T +70 C Operating Temperature Range Ta 0 to +70 PIN ASSIGNMENT Storage Temperature Range T stg -55 to +125 8c - 3 1 Ve RS3 [24 NOTE 1: Permanent device damage may occur if ABSQLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS are ex- 2 ceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to RECOMMENDED OPERAT- Vee As2 F123 ING CONDITIONS. Exposure to higher than recommended voltages for extended 3050 Voo RS1 [722 periods of time could affect device reliability. aCtas aso fai sos D6 120 AO 150 [~ | 520 D6 6 D3 049 Al 160 704 ot 0218 5 DS A2 1204 Memory sty as oo0fFo17 Address Row Output oH Mater 919 94 ago Decode (8064) Decode Bufters aCyaa ay 16 a4 90- 10CI Nc. aos o+ LOG 03 AS 8 Wy Ag N.C. 14 o- |__| ae 4 Po 18 2 12) a2 Vssfo 13 IO7 DI Blanking 17 po Shift Matrix Control This device contains circuitry to protect the Matrix inputs against damage due to high static voltages (28) _ , ar electric fields; however, is advised that BLOCK Matrix Vec = Pin 2 normal precautions be tak en to avoid application DIAGRAM | Select Vop= Ping of any voltage higher than maximum rated volt T T Z Z Vss Pin 13 ages to this high-impedance circuit 2106220 23024 Veg = Pint RSO RS1 RS2 AS3 1-114MCM6570, MCM6571, MCM6571A, MCM6572 thru MCM6579 DC OPERATING CONDITIONS AND CHARACTERISTICS (Full operating voltage and temperature range unless otherwise noted.) RECOMMENDED DC OPERATING CONDITIONS (Referenced to Vss). Parameter Symbol Min Nom Max Unit Supply Voltage Voo 10.8 12 13.2 Vde Vee 4.75 5.0 5.25 Vde Vss oO 0 0 Vde Vee 3.3 -3.0 -2.7 Vde Input Logic 1 Voltage (Driven by TTL) Vin 3.0 - Vec Vde (Driven by Other Than TTL) 4.0 - Voc Vde Input Logic 0 Voltage Vin 0 _ 0.8 Vde A 4.0 V Vip is required at the chip regardless of the type of driver used. However, internal MOS puilup devices on the chip can pull one TTL driver from 3.0 V to 4.0 V, without affecting access time. These pullup devices may not pull non-TTL drivers above 3.0 V. DC CHARACTERISTICS Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit input Forward Current Vag, - - -1.6 mAdc (Vp = 0.4 Vde) Input Leakage Current "hy - - 100 uAdc (Vin = 8.25 Vie, Voc = 4.75 Vde} Output Low Voltage (Blank) VoL 0 - 04 Vde (lo, * 1.6 mAdc) Output High Voltage (Dot) VoH 3.0 ~ ~ Vde {lop = -40 wAde) Power Supply Current {pop - ~- 10 mAdc lor _- - 125 mAdc gg ~ - 100 uAdc Power Dissipation _ Ph = 600 800 mw CAPACITANCE (Periodically sampled rather than 100% tested} Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Input Capacitance Cin - 4.0 70 pF (f = 1.0 MHz) Output Capacitance Court - 4.0 7.0 pF (f = 1.0 MHz) AC CHARACTERISTICS (Full operating voltage and temperature range unless otherwise noted.) EAN timing with t,,t = 20 ns; Load = 1 TTL Gate (MC7400 Series), C__ = 30 pF] TIMING (Typical values measured at 25C and nominal supplies! Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Address Access Time (See Figure 1A} tacc(A} - 350 500 ns Row Select Access Time (See Figure 18) tace [FIS} ~ 300 500 ns FIGURE 1 TIMING DIAGRAMS A. ADDRESS ACCESS TIMING DIAGRAM 6. ROW SELECT ACCESS TIMING DIAGRAM -~ oo Row Select oct Address 50% Row Serect yf 510% \ input Nee ee a nput Vee eee ene ~ i tacc(A} ete Nace (A) ~ ow tace(RS) ~~ > tacc(RS) Output +15 V Output f +15 V * Note: Row Select inputs are Note: Address inputs are set in ade state. set in ade state. 1-115MCM6570, MCM6571, MCM6571A, MCM6572 thru MCM6579 tec, SUPPLY CURRENT (mA) GUTPUT SINK CURRENT (mA) tace. ACCESS TIME (ns) FIGURE 2 Voc SUPPLY CURRENT versus TEMPERATURE Voo=!2V Vee = 5.04 Veg = -3.0V 10 20 30 40 50 70 Ta. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (9C) FIGURE 4 OUTPUT SINK CURRENT versus OUTPUT VOLTAGE 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5. OUTPUT VOLTAGE (VOLTS) FIGURE 6 ACCESS TIME versus Vopo SUPPLY VOLTAGE Veer5.0V - Veg = -3.0V Ta = 25C 10 " 12 14 16 Vpp. SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) FIGURE 3 Von SUPPLY CURRENT versus TEMPERATURE < = 5 =z a oc c > rx) > a & > a s Vop = 12 Veco =50V VeB = -3.0V 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Ta. AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (9C} FIGURE 5 POWER DISSIPATION versus Vpp SUPPLY VOLTAGE LIMIT = z =} = = 8 o ire] = 2 & 0 4a 10 Wi 12 3 14 16 Vpo. SUPPLY VOLTAGE (VOLTS) FIGURE 7 ACCESS TIME versus TEMPERATURE z w = e 2 3 o 3 < 3 & Vop=i2 Voc = $.0V Veep =-3.0V Ta, AMBIENT TEMPERATURE (C) 1-116MCM6570, MCM6571, MCM6571A, MCM6572 thru MCM6579 MEMORY OPERATION (Using Positive Logic} Most positive level = 1, most negative level = 0 Address To select one of the 128 characters, apply the appro- priate binary code to the Address inputs (AO thru A6). Row Select To select one of the rows of the addressed character to appear at the seven output lines, apply the appropriate binary code to the Row Select inputs (RS1 thru RS4). Shifted Characters These devices have the capability of displaying char- acters that descend below the bottom line (such as lower case letters j, y, 9, p, and q). tnternal circuitry effectively drops the whole matrix for this type of character. Any character can be programmed to occupy either of the two positions in a 7 x 16 matrix. (Shifted characters are not available on MCM6572 or MCM6573.) Output For these devices, an output dot is defined as a logic 4 level, and an output blank is defined as a logic 0 level. DISPLAY FORMAT Figure 8 shows the relationship between the logic levels at the row select inputs and the character row at the outputs. The MCM6570 allows the user to locate the basic 7 x 9 font anywhere in the 7 x 16 array. In addition, a shifted font can be placed anywhere in the same 7 x 16 array. For example, the basic MCM6571 font is estab- lished in rows R14 thru R6. All other rows are auto- matically blanked. The shifted font is established in rows R11 thru R3, with all other rows blanked. Thus, while any one character is contained in a 7 x 9 array, the MCM6571 requires a 7 x 12 array on the CRT screen to contain both normal and descending characters. Other uses of the shift option may require as much as the full 7 x 16 array, or as little as the basic 7 x 9 array (when no shifting occurs, as in the MCM6572). The MCM6570 can be programmed to be scanned either from bottom to top or from top to bottom. This is achieved through the option of assigning row numbers in ascending or descending count, as long a3 both the basic font and the shifted font are the same. For example, an up counter will scan the MCM6571 from bottom to top, whereas an up counter will scan the MCM6571A from top to bottom (see Figures 14 and 15 for row designation). FIGURE 8 ROW SELECT INPUT CODE AND SAMPLE CHARACTERS FOR MCM6571 AND MCM6572 ROW SELECT TRUTH TABLE MCM6571 MCM6572 RS3 RS2 | RS1 | RSO] OUTPUT FLOW ROW o 0 0 0 RO NO NO oO 0 0 1 R1 0 0 1 0 R2 ougodgG ris GOCOCUG SESG8080 ro COO0COO 0 0 1 1 R3 Esemseo rts OOOOOO0 BOOO0GS fe: SOBSBOO 3 BO000Os ais OGOOOOO BOCOOCOOM rz 800080 ! 9 Ra moOOOoom a2 DOOOOOG BOOD008 as #000080 1 1 RS BOCO0COS8 ai; SOBBBOO GSRBBel 4 wecoCEeo 0 1 1 9 R6 BEOBESO Fo BHOOOED BOOCOCO0 rs sOMBECD oO 1 1 1 R7 goooco0o es BOOU0BO BOOOCOO rs 000000 7 o o 0 RB ecooooo r~as s00008D @0o0000 a7 @ooo0000 1 0 0 1 RO BOOQOOD a7 mgeocoosgD BOO00Cd as sO00000 1 0 1 0 R10 BOoO000 re BOSERBOO be Do D Do 1 0 1 1 Rit OO00000 sas soOooo000 : Opo0000D vas mOo0000 1 1 0 0 R12 Dooo0gn r3s sO00000 1 1 1 R13 OO00000 ra2 CGOO0000 1 1 1 R14 OOCOO00O a1 OOOOOOGD 1 1 1 1 R15 ooooo0ogo0 /eo OO00005 b DO O06 Do 1-117MCM6570, MCM6571, MCM6571A, MCM6572 thru MCM6579 CUSTOM PROGRAMMING FOR MCM6570 By the programming of a single photomask, the cus- tomer may specify the content of the MCM6570. En- coding of the photomask is done with the aid of a com- puter to provide quick, efficient implementation of the custom bit pattern while reducing the cost of impiernen- tation. Information for the custom memory content may be sent to Motorola in the following forms, in order of preference: * 1. Hexadecimal coding using |BM Punch Cards (Figures 10 and 71). 2. Hexadecimal coding using ASCI! Paper Tape Punch (Figure 12). Programming of the MCM6570 can be achieved by using the following sequence: 1. Create the 128 characters in a 7 x 9 font using the format shown in Figure 9, Note that information at output D6 appears in column one, D5 in column two, thru DO information in column seven. The dots filled in and programmed as a lagic '1 will appear at the outputs as VOH:; the dots left blank will be at VoL. (Blank formats appear at the end of this data sheet for your FIGURE 9 ~ CHARACTER FORMAT convenience; they are not to be submitted to Motorola, however.) 2. tndicate which characters are shifted by filting in the extra square (dot) in the top row, at the left (column S$). 3. Convert the characters to hexadecimal coding treat- ing dots as ones and blanks as zeros, and enter this infor- mation in the blocks to the right of the character font format. High order bits are at the left, in columns S and D3. For the bottom eight rows, the bit in calumn S must be zero, so these locations have been omitted. For the top row, the bit in cotumn will be zero for an unshifted character, and one for a shifted character. 4. Transfer the hexadecimal figures either to punched cards (Figure 10) or to paper tape (Figure 12). 5. Assign row numbers to the unshifted font. These must be nine sequential numbers (values O thru 15) as- signed consecutively to the rows. The shifted font is similarly placed in any position in the 16 rows. 6. Provide, in writing, the information indicated in Figure 13 (a copy of Figure 13 may be used for this purpose). Submit this information to Motorola together with the punched cards or paper tape. FIGURE 10 CARD PUNCH FORMAT Character Number (customer. Inpur) Columns MSB LSB HEX 1-140 11 am OOOO;}O000 Seas Gogjoooo 12-29 Rid oog0;o000 wan ooo|ooo00 31-48 R Rie OBR ODOM 49 Maa gOO|woRgd 50-67 as goog oR0o0 68 j R? @OD}RORO 69 - 76 R 6 OBSeBO008 77-78 S 26 D4 D3 DO 79 - 80 Character Number Cusromer Inpur) msB LSB HEX an} ROBRSROO gre Osdoogo wy na OSs) xRoO0 t Re oOgo}OO080 Sor? ogog|oosgoO zone OBS aR200 Rs omg; O000 Aw oOB8go000 Aa sonloono Ss D6 D4D3 boa Column 12 on the first card contains the hexadecimal equivalent of column S$ and D6 thru D4 for the top row of the first character. c Column 13 contains D3 thru DO. Columns 14 and 15 contain the information for the next row. The entire first character is coded in columns 12 thru 29. Each card contains the coding for three char- acters. 43 cards are required to program the entire 128 characters, the last card containing only two characters. The characters must be programmed in sequence from the first character to the last in order to establish proper addressing for the part. As an example, the first nine characters of the MCM6571 are correctly coded and | punched in Figure 11. Blank Asterisk (*) Hex coding for first character Slash (/) Hex coding for second character Stash (/) Hex coding for third character Slash (/} Blank Card number (starting 01; thru 43} Blank "Note: Motorola can accept magnetic tape and truth table formats, For further information contact your local Motorola sales representative, 1-118MCM6570, MCM6571, MCM6571A, MCM6572 thru MCM6579 FIGURE 11 EXAMPLE OF CARD PUNCH FORMAT (Fiest 9 Characters of MCM6571) i oooooonooopocogcoocogo0O BOR GoPocsootooo Moses: Biloocogoocmoas MPU TL TT DPR WT ey Te AN aT OPC) math aS aaa OP 95 5! 82 OD cee oe SESE EA El ae St ee ee toy PORTrescteeiodtttsi@ecgWWsWUBeBacisedpererivaaae 222222222222222222222282222222 02002 2M? 282 0222222222822 2222222222 22256 22222222 2929339333393933929903393939093309 90M 393099 39999933999393939909 3593999939933 BOCA GOOG Gah G A OAM ADUG GGG eS aaa a AAA OKA GAMA GANS adda nda gaagadagagaa SHSSSSHSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHS SSS SS SSH TASS SS SSS SSSSSS SSS SHS SSS HTS SSSSSSSSSS BESEGSECSECESESECSESEEEECEGSEBESECEGEECEESSS SECS ECE MESCECSESEESEH SCHEER EGBEEERES DEDDDVPPVVPPDDEP DDT DTTP PAP TD TET D PETA T TDD ADT TTT BOHOESSKSRMSG EC RRRECSHEUSE SERGE ARES SRR RES ELAKRA Maca agasMagsareesueasseeesgeas A 9999993 gggggggggaagsggggagg 99999993 vrde wey ey a SO ND ee ee a +N 508% ee aedeeserades yous aY Lvette at 9999999999993999999999999959999999999959 V ee ase wey sae a, FIGURE 12 PAPER TAPE FORMAT Frames start of data entry. {Note that the tape cannot begin Leader Blank Tape . with a CR and/or LF, or the customer identification will 1toM Allowed for customer use (M < 64) be assumed to be programming data.) M+1,M+2 CR; LF (Carriage Return; Line Frame M + 3 contains the hexadecimal equivalent of Feed) . . . column S and 06 thru D4 for the top row of the first M+3to M+ 66 (een tine of ee formation character. Frame M + 4 contains D3 thru DO. Frames ex rigures per line M +5 and M + 6 program the second row of the first M+67,M+68 CR: LF mes character. Frames M+ 3 to M + 66 comprise the first line M +69 to M+ 2378 Remaining 35 lines of hex figures, 6 each fine followed by a Carriage LF. Return and Line Feed " Blank Tape using the same format, each line terminated with a CR identification, where M <64. Any combination of alpha- 2304 hex figures. Since 18 hex figures are required to numerics may be used. This information is terminated program each 7 x 9 character, the full 128 (2304 = 18) with a Carriage Return and Line Feed, delineating the characters are programmed. of the printout. The line is terminated with a CR and The remaining 35 tines of data are puncheci in sequence Frames 1 to M are left to the customer for internal and LF. The total 36 lines of data contain 36 x 64 or FIGURE 13 - FORMAT FOR ORGANIZATIONAL DATA ORGANIZATIONAL DATA MCM6570 MOS READ ONLY MEMORY Customer Customer Part No. Rev. Row Number for top row of non-shifted font Row Number for bottam row of non-shifted font Row Number for top row of shifted font 1-119FIGURE 14 MCM6571 PATTERN 0010 Ae esgoaaens gagee | 2 | Bossseous | CcocesanG | Swenenes ; SecnSouE | BUCECOSES | DeBeeeeec | Seebnoeus | 3 | Soaedeade | SBRSeBacs | Seeccoras | Saescaase | Besesoses | B Gooosemed | . 8 BSeeeeecs | SescssGcc | seescscas | senrouesa | oO =| - | Bepssce0s | Saseueens | cooseusoc | saadaeese | Saaadeec8 | Aavdocog | caesaace | Sessseses = Suseaeccs | CSossseds | ssocseaus | sgocgou's | sooacears "Te S| Sesame | Soaerages | Saar cane | Saraacuce | Sbadeaaae | comgonass | 8 2 {3 Bes Ssaeee | BES RREED * Beet CROeE | Seougooee | sogggoogS S888ece00 | cosooeoce | concedes. B86de | Baseseecs | HGucccccs | occemaee | Sessseses SSedeecce | 2a5ecaemc | eeecccocd | ueeeeesc | Sasscccce | 990090000 | enc00% go009sg06 | sa00mconc | = geoecn009 | 990000000 | omagDGDo0 gag gg8008 | s900=053-| asnoeccc= | seegeeses | 2900004: 2 | Sgoccesca aganenags | 200ees00K | Saetkesca | sessccoue | Goccseess | Sascoocse 2 8 | SSSSSSER= | AodeeeaaE | 980 to ta'stolefotetsto} e 3B Qoocaaad4 | a: 8c0 | oF So00000c9 ) Googc0p000 | Aosno00ed Gogagouce | aoeccesCs | Qo0Geccao | sogaqc0GG |: | Gogmoccos So0g95G006 | snco00a0 | ot 1 | BOGOI500N | FooG80K0RK0 | peoDoGo00 2 jsoecCe SooB0GccS | sSsagcond Els [8 2 | Soecocena | Sonsacuge | Scoggcees | ouSedo0000 | ssecagoad | So0snonnG | sousopond els soacooscs Zomagoen | sggeGRRIG Qgoteescs | sacccccte | Cassesoed | sccceedee | sesaseees | Ceccccccc | ooemeses | SRaccuoss eadoos SSeneeces | Beccoacss |= @apoco0gs | 9o00sNcc6 | cao0ec00C | caagosoDs | wi a | sooo90000 | o1 @ | ca900G000 2 GGae ca) smeseeesa! coosooNs 38 ] go00c00s0 | coccecocd | co0080Gn5 | 2oUsoe8c00 Seecweces 90990009 | o1 IDA | OOOGBOOOD: 3 poog@saoos 256 | QgooGoDad | 2o000000C s geocgoecs | Goa08G008 | Gooogan0G | 5: 1G | 2 sees | OOoso00cd | ceasosee me GvopeaG0c 2c | Sosogc00g : pecs | cosnEcEss | GoGgedoas | ci 103 | CooseConG OG008 |G @ | eooCc00! 3 Speoeossd Lousscoda | soeaccore | Co =| 5 | Beigases | Seerariess| seeasoe | Bee sere | seseeaag| Sacaes |coagears |Soacees Fla seeeeee Sesecuees | sme * |G 16 | Gaoor 6 | Sasoecon | 36a 20 | Semeswens | AOoCcOOSE | CoomeBess | Seoccooge agagsacoc J Seeessuse | Scsascoce SOC O00G acag | 9a000! geg000000 | po001 ig9n500ce | ppSaD9cn cece | 2OQG0ECc NUE re a mga000 | FooDDEGDo 8 | 23desg096 | S3e08cce8 | Saeaco8ac | Sescngans | Besagaens | danadoees | soodeoaNe | BoogaaGa0 g BERRAGSNA | BSEBERERE ' QERSER55g * BERBER: Buondeuc | Sosesenee | Gonsnaaae Spdooesns | GeacoDDTS | SoocedcGcs | sadoGeseSs | SooDccoDs | DoooDESo iggg0o5 | pooDoos 331: | BOOUODOT aBC ODODE | oer B) | Saeesees | Sbeeamens | Serencion | BAcbcats | Boerouans | Sosaerie | Saveueuat | BReuEeeT g Eoeiaeas | segcosee, Seccebe souener | aseeass | SeCOEes. = = Sa z ic r r = a | 2osccDoTS | DoDdosCos | DaasoB800n | Songs0008 | Doecod900 | SoGGd00R9 | Goa000000 = Oj gog00se0@ | 250BCerCS Soggoou0 Fosoocod | Co70000C0 | 3caqoocue 8 | cogs Seecn | SGsecnonr | Sosceecse | SANSSECoS | sesseBees | Sesccccds | ssdceaeds | coussce09 8 si Geso00006 | SAAgeCUC= | SESSeeEeS : DBNCTIGOS | HoG000000 | Znnoos a a oacc fo: oi a | agooaa = @| oaooRCS a095 | goGodoaug j= | p9geGQDC SocecoRne | aoogpoq00 g Saaegaae9 Sadosces | Gouseagca ereeteet Segacaged sno0ce5n@ | Soabo0cKs sigougoa8 3 53 | San d | Baocoodue | cocosnoge -| Beoogaogs BODOGDo! OOSDOOG - a) gudeeqoss |: a8 | 3 Geespeees | codcn Sasgeeao | sgocouooe | Sevssmen | saaccaoue Ez Baggsoces i aeaeeaes omoeosas | 200) a soucomme Qoo0e80C0 | SamseRees | SoUD0eG0G guescheas is 3 | SE@a8OSSG | 5. 3 | Gaeevewss | Coceeeces | Godsscccs | sascceace | # ease | Soccog000 | seseneess | GocceoscS aoagecgoe | =A: Gogogosn | asoosnans | a1 | sagooo0se] eooopooKG | sacnooc0s| SoncognnC | aosoDoo0G a FY 3 2 |] oggo000ce | coGesacco aegossess 090000006 | so00f0005 | soB000CDS | Seeeeesac | ODDsn0ECe 3 oe | OF G52 g| | soongaces | caaceqsos | couessocs | 5 codd | seeesseg. | scosocogs | Coas14 pe 8 oa wh BCBG Ou io 00 ie 88 dai DP AGC, 8 | OUGCICD! 1110 1119 Bt A) OO Boag | ue. a Be C3) Bue ie, a . n Beate Sbennne: BB pogtong isi aon Bogs i : d spongy | Bbn00! a mn io 3 cones j 4 a cH hat} Re . Briel i e eouor a0 IONE yor aoaagce fea a 4 00 1100 100 Ls oGeodod oe. pa a 6G 9g 9 1011 1019 oe 00 J coggoue ssovoen | i etei ga fatal ta doeeoaa came # 3 a ve 19010 ONGOD 010 o8 a Soc0gs sasaese Succorc eo T00T OG} bosccoo 1000 Ds 1900 oe ou | ued 238) sacone 88 | Bee 08 ont om 110 i or0 oe oo ve FIGURE 16 MCM66572 PATTERN* oat 9101 FIGURE 17 MCM6573 PATTERN** abesesgng Sa@caeccs diedoce0s Soecccoe. Ags e100 gecgul! omc ote oo11 ou vs...00 | o8. .0@ | O6. .00 | 8. 00 gore 0010 oe Pafsslersisrersie Sectaueca s@ocouec: cCosdeaas Soeennoss 3G23@0000 000 3@00C 0001 0001 Bean pe | a6. 09 a000 sao2e@ouGs a0be0ced Seqce9ong Al. Ad} Shifted characters are not used. oot or 10 ov on 100 SuOa@0G0C SGgaeco00 2 I s 2 a6. MCM6570, MCM6571, MCM6571A, MCM6572 thru MCM6579 21 1-1 Ww WwW * Shvfted characters are ot usedLE Goenpouac BOO = Geoosdoes 8 : geaceagsa ata Agenooge! ee 23 35 @oepgGCeR | sgaaeeeee Begeessee | ot - 5 ecoot 2 aye c scongccns 2 55 | we Shadde02 Zi pis. coocosocG 8] coecsesss Sogepoags a gooonoged: g|: Seeccesss 8 = a uegocucGG = 3 tt poenoo00n - a [3 350990000 | Ssacccoco peo st poosooccs | suvnccoc 8 33008SEc6 | 8 #cedancs = 2 = soucc0nne! - 3s {16 sooo ae 3s eeeneen] 3] spaugenss goageoedo = ol eugdoc00a M6572 thru MCM6579 ~ ie FIGURE 18 MCM6674 PATTERN 0 z shegssccs eI 2| | sundoocs 2 2 CORON 2 8] Bocogoune aeneocram 2 eens a Ssaeccoce oi iC | DObooC0ed | goeTaD0oo g@eccann | al Iocan DOO! i 3 G2QQ85065 | Banasaone | cospooDue S8CSanoce | Gooodeecs | seseseees Soerest | peveaeass | ania Sepasaaas | Beiasases | Snes 3| BeBe | Seseeeres | Feces: Seussotee | Saeceres | SRLS 2 Buogecood Saosseort | Sarag0ecc weeots5cocc Snaesosen seeescec ec = ol nooncuuu | oagunGuGe at a Cu BooccouG. eau Sooo | soaonoccc 3 aggeoages amabueos | SUICb0003 Speugoese cbagesass | o0soonUe E oi 38 pocsesaca | Seaganoos | sodboe@so 8 s 0 sogsoeune 2 io iD gougceege ais 38SeSa0cc | Sescacees | 5oon00000 Sdasecuce S Di bterafot tataratal go0D0neno 8 Soonsonad | Socon 6 : SpocesueS Seoouscse - < ea 1g | OD: C oo00n Sele s jou gopegoGn | CoasoGKGG S 8| Seng0s0De | concadees | GondcR00R Sneeesoos | cocecooc { SnpaGvo0ceD at g s@ooocone | sponc cous! coonomnos : saanccous | aon I z 8| 35ecc000 | Seeeseues | concclesc ; 5 ! | Dulet BOJOU0LGL re | io er . se 2) | SSemepess | SSa5cooa8 dencansce | 2 5 | | Seeeeeas | Eaeeeass Speer) 2 | @ 15 3Sabeeesc | feocea: Seaeeeoce | 5 w Dmoo iS a 7 = e g sosoeqand 2 ec a8 | JQU@O0R89 ACH 3 {(- g Boseoso0cS i z 3 8 | Secu0EccS 5 Oo ls 3{ @2acocecs | ScoDDDEcD a = o Gessasues | S2000806= 2 a Teoogsuc. | soasmens OOOBGGGC | S50083es | Seoossenc Socaggou6 3 aoosengss ee 00000000 > g 3 || seasons arcs g 3 SSSoa0006 | 5 3 Seeaedsoa z esueseess | -esssecc 2] geogomeec|cucsaogos | cooggoRar | gz Dogocoode | Seanoncsc jG ai SOUS | CoccsoosO 5ogbecced o : Sade5one~ | eooGaccoS ecovencos |G ccs | covsucsce | x - 8 fo0G0g0ce s2gcgeees Bogusccos | Ooceconoe | Dons0Dace = 2| seeteeees | Seema $ecseeces |Srueeets | Guisoees| 2 3 aksascoce | Soseseecd Seegcccsc | Socusessc | Sonceoose i poncs: Oesocouu Oempecesac | JI oo0s | OOooSoodG | Sao0ceGS g gopeseeas gesocouis | eeeoeens | 280Seccec |cccdsesss | cacssccu: | = Soar ei 2 | BORON | Seas | Boao seecs | Hasscuaces | cosecooas| = 2 SBRURUECE | Segmweecs | cecscucce | Seccceees | Scncscace | seasseees | besesseen | suoeseuen| = oe = f Of ic = ooooo00na ; Eo ae i ieenseass 5 e | Segeseoes 5 z joaGoGOCS | #s000000! 2 3 | Soeaseees | eae 2 soos aM S baacadooo SOG z 3) Seeneeses | S2ekesccs Seeeesaas | F Fs; scocsce8 50080000 s8aggeo02 s | SEG0" a e songsog0G io} & padg000000 sogooesos 10! Id # 000000c5 | OSOG8GORR $ 8 Seeseeees | Scocosads | jc | Soekeeeco iesiee Sougscocs | Seessseee| SSaesesca z te it gyro ale ale oc: 242 -- ele. RE 2g a ee eo. < 6 < 2 3 2 = g< s e z < 2 - & 8 s : & = = K g 3 & 8 3 2 E * < MCM6570, MCM6571, MCM6571A, MC 1-122 DW = snitted choracter, The cheracter is shifted theae rows to AZa1 the top of the font snd R11 at the bottom.mm oe gs@oocnco Sooo000co wy We oo oe goopeauLc 5110 mw 110t so0ounoce: GsoG0SDe0 oo@c00eCC ocososoco Sanogoacs 1190 we oo ooptseong paprengns gooeccon= 100 wn ce. pe 1010 yoot Cw 1007 18 O86. be 1000 aw os owt a1 0180 ot oF FIGURE 20 MCMU676 PATTERN IGURE 217 MCM6577 PATTERN E oto1 ation 0100. eogEcceod Goaeoacad b0n7 oott opuouodor goagences o010 oor onar 2007 mocsoonr nocosagg UCoSOOo oe. 60 | of. 00 | be co [ oe. oo | os oo 100 ueonn og D00D oe Sueno00G0 omeescocg 2 101 410 vd AZ. AG oto aw 100 101 110 m PF = Shited cheracter, The character is stilted three rows to A13 at the top of the font and R11 ut the bottom: At Ad MCM6570, MCM6571, MCM6571A, MCM6572 thru MCM6579 1-123 O = Shittes character, The character 1s shifted tires rows t0 A13 at the top of the font and R11 at the bottom.FIGURE 22 MCM6576 PATTERN MCM6570, MCM6571, MCM6571A, MCM6572 thru MCM6579 2] oooaoogv0 i ooogsogds | a3j0ngcdDo g Gpoasocos = edcascone = falatelalatazerd] Zhe Saeasgnat 6 aaooo0nd neaooed - ; goosoDG8s 3 . acecocesa 2 3 gaegnanas Is gegeaseas |: a : goosso000 j {8 2 oogCooe Is eaetigouse a oC Ccodoococ0 DooDeGEG 8 . Fefelsfefeteletsta g : ggo0cd . . peeoveaeo = f fatetetotelstetalay 3 : enuodds Segaenoon * yeoooo0an): i aanepuent sgongncne googgecnn apaagoocs oeconugao e 7 Telatat ae _ 18 geeescoa9 Zhe : : 3 a IC Seaneao0d ee a : qEpous : ar gemoaueng | A Soepegtas| a aiege poggsoo3s | . pooggao33 al 1D e an eee0 goopeccoo s 7 Og | ooo ogg "ts ooogcscoc & pesonoeco {8 z|?i. 2 gobodgDooo 3 onosc008 2 e30ms55c00 @ | E14] Socsacecs j rear sects Beta tre o OpaeeRoce | " Saeessess | OUCSTCUCE 2 goooascuG woi_/8 Siz 2ie z SoQ0u5D80 g i Orr >| eugasesas 3 eee ss euc ?| ier Hee z @ lst. Soaodsoeo 3 Nn 8 = wi = 8 z 215 z GB lsie 3 z 3 z = 2 anoneo0eO a oonsaols 3 3 oopoe | owe sl. 008 | eed | duo@Ddca: | Zz s Pelsteietetste tots] poncanoso as Beacocon 2 8 2 = Bie : g : 3 = olf 3 2 3/. 4 e % ouo0oovdD Dosonocore z 8 OeommODGO Bockessce y ai @ogooeoco i 3 Sosoosoco o - onecanne: Boncouaoe ? 3 | S83acaaes | sesnsaoes ?] BSSSaceoe oBsogcoud & Gogosoaus | coogDDoOLRCe peweeuocc) . g spogsoea0 i i 5 pescecoce pogoG00aG Sonoo0ce0c 3 3 2 = foc 8 < fo 8 & 3/2 2 2 z 2 = s = c g 3 2 5 8 2 2 z= : < 1-124 Dh = Shifted character, The character is shifted three rows to R3 at the top of the font and Ail! at the bottom:MCM6570, MCM6571, MCM6571A, MCM6572 thru MCM6579 APPLICATIONS INFORMATION One important application for the MCM6570 79 is in CRT display systems (Figure 24). A set of buffer shift registers or random access memories applies a 7-bit char- acter code to the input of the character generator, which then supplies one row of the character according to the count at the four row select inputs. As each row ts available, it is put into the TTL MC7495 shift registers. The parallel information in these shift registers is clocked serially out to the Z-axis where it modulates the raster to form the character. The MCM6570-79 require three power supplies: -3.0 volts, +5.0 volts, and +12 volts. The character generator requires only smal! currents from the -3.0 volt and +12 volt supplies, such that charge pump techniques using +5.0 volts can be used. Figure 25 shows a supply circuit that will generate the required -3.0 volts for Vgp. The +12-volt supply of Figure 26 will supply the 6.0 mA that is typically re- quired. I{ncreased current capability is possible by mod- ifying the circuits. Use of these small, low-cost supplies makes a single +5.0-voit system possible. When powering this device from laboratory or system power supplies, it is important that the Absolute Maximum Ratings not be exceeded or device failure can result. Some power supplies exhibit spikes or glitches on their outputs when the ac power is switched on and off. For example, the bench power supply programmed to deliver +12 volts may have large transients below ground when the ac power is switched on and off. If this possibility exists, it is suggested that the user switch the dc side of the power supply or protect the device power pins (+12, +5.0, and -3.0 volt) against reverse biasing with clamp diodes. A hot carrier diode such as the MBD501 1s sug- gested for this purpose. FIGURE 24 CRT DISPLAY APPLICATION USING MCM6571 MCM6571 15 17 o 4 Ao pol ! 16 7 Al D1 }---_o oH 12 18 Oo] AZ D2 -- MC7495 13 o 9s aoto 3 9" Mc 9 9-4 1 ; co ait? [_o+4 C2 2 o~+{ Opa 1 o 3 Dp1 a2 4) bps e | Character 1 A3 D3 6 MC7495 Code 9 19 1 13 Oo Aa D4 -}o Os aoro 8 5 6 o As 05 o~ MC 4 20 9 12 o| as D6 L oH C1 arp. RSORSIRS2RS3 $ oH c2 21| 22} 23! 24! 2 oF Dpo a2 | O Dp 1 4 O- Op? 10 im 5 Op3 a3 O ZAxIS Input Preset Controt ct Counters C2 1-125MCM6570, MCM6571, MCM6571A, MCM6572 thru MCM6579 FIGURE 25 SUBSTRATE BIAS CHARGE PUMP SUPPLY FIGURE 26 GATE VOLTAGE CHARGE PUMP SUPFLY 1-6 MC 404 6MC 0.001 pF - ~~. T --|{ 1/6 MC 7404 VY a. nA vo} 4 QD + o 0.001 we v 30V Sf it 1 K et Tt . 100 pF o 0.1 pF D> Gernanium diodes tb +5.0V +5.0V +5.0V ! 1.0 k 3 1.0 k 18 MH +5.0V t>~4 _n 1/6 1/6 1/6 mc7406 mc7406 | MC7406 D +412 V6 Tt PACKAGE DIMENSIONS CASE 684.04 ORT, --O F He SEATING PLANE - poy NOTES [MILLIMETERS 1. LEADS WITHIN 0.13 mm (0.005) RADIUS OF TRUE POSITION AT SEATING PLANE WITH MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION. LEAD NO 1 CUT FOR IDENTIFICATION, OR BUMP ON TOP. OME TO INSIDE GF LEADS. (MEASURED 0.51 mm (0.020) BELOW PKG BASE) 29 34 ne w CASE 709-01 zoe AABA AANA mA. ; i? eves CCC ad ee PEnaantt . PTH FREE ve leh aa D seatinG glk MILLIMETERS NOTES 1, LEAOS, TRUE POSITIONE G WITHIN 0.25 mm (0.010) DIA AT SEATING PLANE AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL con DITION. (DIM. D''} DIM L" TO CENTER OF LEADS WHEN FORMED PARALLEL tm Circuit diagrams utilizing Motorala praducts are included as a means of ilustrating typical sermconductor applications, consequently, camplete information sufficient tor comstruction purposes is not necessarily given. The information nas been caretully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. However, ne respon bility is assumed for ina curacies. Furthermore, such information does not convey to the p. rchaser of the semiconductor devices described any license under th patent rights of Motorola I or others. 1-126LSB HEX Character Number __ MSB LSB HEX Character Number msB LSB HEX The formats below are given for your convenience in preparing character information for MCM6570 programming. THESE Character Number _. FORMATS ARE NOT TO BE USED TO TRANSMIT THE INFORMATION TO MOTOROLA. Refer to the Custom Pro- gramming instructions for detailed procedures. MCM6570, MCM6571, MCM6571A, MCM6572 thru MCM6579 THT) L PTT oooooo000g3 oooooco0o00d onooo00gos oOnoo00o0oHo0s ear no oaceo0adsa oOooooooodS 0 a eoeeeaerad QO O O oooo0000 eaoeeroeeee 0000 ooooo0ocgs ooooo0oo0o ooo0ocgo00 pooooooogs Ooo0o0oOo0s ooooooooo ooo00000008 20 o eaeecaenaeneee LSB HEX Character Number MSB LSB HEX Character Number MsB LSB HEX Character Number _. o O , Doooooo00os 20 oooooo0o0n8 ooooo0o0o0ono DooOoOooooOns oO coenererroeee ooooo000ns onooo00gga ooooo0oo0nao ooo00000o008 vv oooogooooggos ooonoo0o00o oOoonoooooOog D 0 ereenretnraee oooo0o00ogs oooo000000 = ee OOOWWUUUUU DoOopogonoOos OooOooooos ooooo000n a) meenemeeereerecd Character Number _. LSB HEX ooo Character Number LSB HEX Character Number __. LSB HEX nooooooggs o0 O ooo00oo00g o MSB oooo mMsB R R R R R R R R R OOOOODODDS oonoo0ooo0o aS Seo oOoOooocooao oOo0Do0oo003 onoooooddos oooo00o00d , eoo00oo0dns 20 eooemeenoeeaeee 1-127