SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE PA4 Series |. oz Oz, Oz 0.827 [21.0] 0.587 [14.9] ie a Terminal Options re DSBS | yoy | 0880 I | Bl mT a 2 3 =| | 7 3| = B S| | 41 a | oS | oS | = + a 1; i m eS ea 0.189 [4.8] 0.250 [6.3] | oa ~ < 2 8 ola 4.8mm Tab 6.3mm Tab __ & I 5 a Het fs, Jot r | : 0.335 0.335 [8.5] | 5] Y , a (11.2) 0.472 [12.0] | | se 0-138 (3.5) 0.740 [18.8] 0.504 [12.8] le >| 4.8mm Tab a as Solder . S| oN Mounting Options =| ms 38 38 le 0-433 [11.0] la 0.512 [13.0] bin S15) In esi | | _v Fe e ij iy a 7 Wo + S| | | a 3 | I. 0.039 [1.0] |, |, 0.039 [1.01 . , | wg 0-150 13.8} J L. 0.150 [3.8] 6 0,071 [1.8] a _,| 0.315 [8.0] 0.250 [6.3] Se certs) x PCB Pins PCB Pins 1 Pole (8.0mm Spacing) (6.3mm Spacing) Panel Cutout \ , 0.472 [12.0] r "| 2 2 QO oO. pad had line IHumination Options Actuator Options Water Protection Options spacing . . ep 04451113] be pS Eee 6 6 [| 0.083 (1.31/10, |0.138 [8.5} \q-}__| 0-591 [15.0] 6 6 / k 2 Pole {iw | Full S & a_$} PCB Layout a) 7 hed 5 : 5) S) 2 = =) =) S| 5 5 | a RubberCap ! 3) PA411C1100 ~< PA4R11C 1000-116 Body Actuator Marking Marking Lens Lens Lamp Series Terminal Function Rating Color Color Color Type Style Color Voltage MWU OU UU UU UU- Uo - Std. Version Pade. Rubber Cap : PASC - Customizable 3 a wm yi (> EeSwitCH v -6.3mm Tab [ENEC] | -4.8mm Tab 1 Pale; C-16A 125/250VAC 1 - Black Solder 1-Off-On UL, CSA] 2- White -PCB Pins 4-Of-(On) 16(4)A250V- 4- Grey (8.0mm) [ENEC] 9-Red -PCE Pins 2 Pole. (6.8mm) 2-Of-On J+ 164 1725/250VAC Horizontal E-Of-(On) [UL, CSA] 4.8mm Tabs 16(B)A 250V- Custom Colors and Markings Available Upon Request O-Fulllllum. O-None 0O-None 1-Full O-Chear 3-6V 1- Black 1-Black = 1- Power Symbol Vert. 1-Red 4-12V 2 - White 2-White 2 - Power Symbol Horz. 2-Amber 5-24V 4-Grey 8- Red 3 - Reset Symbol Vert 3-Green 6-125V 5 - Orange 4- Reset Symbol Horz. 4-Blue 7-250V 7- Blue 5 - POWER Vert. 5 - Yellow 8 - Green 6 - POWER Horz 9-Red 7 - RESET Vert. 8 - RESET Horz. Jl For lWuminated Svaiches Only Panel Mount | ALG BK RoHS FEATURES: * Durable, Robust and Economical * Popular 13mm x 19mm Cutout * High Power Ratings * Standard and Water-resistant Versions [lluminated Versions SPECIFICATIONS: Ratine: Rating Option C: 16A 125/250VAC [UR, CUR] 16(4)A 250V~ 1E4 7125/55 [ENEC] Rating Option J: 16A 125/250VAC [UR, cUR] 16(8)A 250V- 1E4 7125/55 [ENEC] Temperature: -20C to 65C (UR, cUR] -20C to 125C [ENEC] Ecectricat Lire: 10,000 Cycles Contact Resistance: 20mQ Min. at 1A 5VDC InsucaTion Resistance: 100MQ Min, at 500VDC Diecectric StrenctH: 1,000VAC for 1 Minute MATERIALS: Uprer Booy: Polyamide 6/6, UL94 V-2 Lower Bony: PBT, UL94 V-2 Actuator: Polyamide 6/6, UL94 V-2 Polycarbonate, UL94 V-2 Contacts: Silver Alloy Terminacs: Silver Plated Copper PA421C4000-124 PA431C1700 PA411C1900 Rero)ay) 800.867.2717