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#ETXexpress-PM# 07132009PDL
All data is for information purposes only and not guaranteed for legal purposes. Subject to change without notice. Information in this datasheet has been carefully checked and is
believed to be accurate; however, no responsibilty is assumed for inaccurancies. All brand or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Ordering Information
Article Part-No. Description
ETXexpress®-PM373 38002-0000-10-1 Intel® Celeron® M ULV 373 processor (1.0 GHz), 512KB L2
ETXexpress®-PM738 38002-0000-14-2 Intel® pentium® M ULV 738 processor (1.8 GHz), 2MB L2
HSP ETXexpress®-PM, threaded 38001-0000-99-0 Heatspreader for ETXexpress®-PM, soldered, threaded stand off
HSP-ETXexpress®-PM, through 38001-0000-99-1 Heatspreader for ETXexpress®-PM, through 2.7mm hole stand off
HSK-ETXexpress®-PM w/ Fan 38001-0000-99-0C01 Heatsink for ETXexpress®-PM with fan, threaded 2.5mm stand off
HSK-ETXexpress®-PM w/o Fan 38001-0000-99-0C02 Heatsink for ETXexpress®-PM without fan, threaded 2.5mm stand off
Technical Information
Processor Intel® Pentium® M and Intel® Celeron® M Processor
Chipset Intel® i915GM, Intel® ICH6M
Memory Up to 2GB (400/533) DDR2 SO-DIMM
Hard Disk 2 x SerialATA, 1 x PATA 100
USB 8x USB 2.0
PCI PCI 2.3, 32 bit / 33 MHz PCI bus
PCI Express 4 PCI Express x1 (3 PCI Express x1 for GbE version), 1 PEG x16
Ethernet 10/100/1000 MBit, Intel® 82573E
Sound Intel® High Definition Audio / AC97
Video Controller Integrated with Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator (GMA 900) or expand via 1 PEG x16
LVDS and CRT Resolutions XGA 1024x786 32 Bit, SXGA 1280x1024 32 Bit,
UXGA 1600x1200 32 Bit,
QSXGA 2048x1536 32 Bit
LVDS Panel Support Single and Dual Channel LVDS 18/24 bit, Dual SDVO
TV out TV out on seperate set of pins (component video or composite video)
Operating Systems Windows® XP Embedded, Windows® CE, Linux and others
Other Features E²PROM BIOS Setup, LAN Boot, JRC support, I²C Bus, RTC, Watchdog, JIDA Support, IrDA enhanced, ACPI
Power Consumption typ. Idle 13,3W Intel® Pentium® M LV738
Form Factor COM Express™ Basic: 125 x 95 mm
Pin-out Type 2
Temperature (*) Operation: 0° to 60°C
Storage: -30° to 85°C
Humidity Operation: 10% to 90%
Storage: 5% to 95% (non condensing)
The new ETXexpress®-PM module is based on the Intel®
Pentium® M and Intel® Celeron® M processors as well as
the Intel® 915GM chipset.
For applications that require advanced real-time video
capabilities, the ETXexpress®-PM has both Intel® Extreme
Graphics 2 and PCI Express graphics 1x16.
Fast communications are possible courtesy of the Gigabit
Ethernet port. 8x USB 2.0 provides fast and sufficient
interfaces for external peripherals.
Six mounting holes on the board provide secure mounting to
allow the module increased shock and vibration resistance.
(*) Ask about extended temperature ranges