1461101b Schaltbare Sicherungslasttrennleiste Switchable In-Line Fuse Switch Disconnector Reglette commutable a interrupteurs-sectionneurs fusibles Regleta seccionadora bajo carga con fusibles, conmutable Sezionatore commutabile a fusibile Chave seccionadora de carga com fusiveis Sral sigorta ayrc - Betriebsanleitung Instrucoes de Servico Operating Instructions letme klavuzu Instructions de service Deutsch GEFAHR Gefahrliche Spannung. Lebensgefahr oder schwere Verletzungsgefahr. Vor Beginn der Arbeiten Anlage und Gerat spannungsfrei schalten. Read and understand these instructions before installing, operating, or maintaining the equipment. ! DANGER Hazardous voltage. Will cause death or serious injury. Turn off and lock out all power supplying this device before working on this device. VORSICHT CAUTION Eine sichere Geratefunktion ist nur mit zertifizierten Komponenten gewahrleistet. PELIGRO PRECAUCION El funcionamiento seguro del aparato solo esta garantizado con componentes certificados. Leggere con attenzione queste istruzioni prima di installare, utilizzare o eseguire manutenzione su questa apparecchiatura. ! PERICOLO Tensione pericolosa. Puo provocare morte o lesioni gravi. Scollegare l'alimentazione prima di eseguire interventi sull'apparecchiatura. CAUTELA Il funzionamento sicuro dell'apparecchiatura e garantito soltanto con componenti certificati. Turkce TEHLKE Tehlikeli gerilim. Olum tehlikesi veya ar yaralanma tehlikesi mevcuttur. Calmalara balamadan once, sistemin ve cihazn enerjisini kesiniz. ONEML DKKAT Cihazn guvenli calmas ancak sertifikal bileenler kullanlmas halinde garanti edilebilir. Technical Support: Telephone: E-mail: Internet: Telephone: ! DANGER Tension electrique. Danger de mort ou risque de blessures graves. Mettre hors tension avant d'intervenir sur l'appareil. La securite de fonctionnement de l'appareil n'est garantie qu'avec des composants certifies. Portugues Ler e compreender estas instrucoes antes da instalacao, operacao ou manutencao do equipamento. ! PERIGO Tensao perigosa. Perigo de morte ou ferimentos graves. Desligue a corrente antes de trabalhar no equipamento. CUIDADO O funcionamento seguro do aparelho apenas pode ser garantido se forem utilizados os componentes certificados. Cihazn kurulumundan, caltrlmasndan veya bakma tabi tutulmasndan once, bu klavuzun okunmu ve anlalm olmas gerekmektedir. Technical Assistance: Francais Ne pas installer, utiliser ou intervenir sur cet equipement avant d'avoir lu et assimile les presentes instructions et notamment les conseils de securite et mises en garde qui y figurent. Italiano Tension peligrosa. Puede causar la muerte o lesiones graves. Desconectar la alimentacion electrica antes de trabajar en el equipo. ! Istruzioni operative PRUDENCE Reliable functioning of the equipment is only ensured with certified components. Espanol Leer y comprender este instructivo antes de la instalacion, operacion o mantenimiento del equipo. ! Instructivo English Vor der Installation, dem Betrieb oder der Wartung des Gerats muss diese Anleitung gelesen und verstanden werden. ! 3NJ412, 3NJ413, 3NJ414 , . ! . . . . +49 (0) 911-895-5900 (8 - 17 CET) technical-assistance@siemens.com www.siemens.de/lowvoltage/technical-assistance +49 (0) 180 50 50 222 GWA 4NEB 711 4050-10 DS 02 Bestell-Nr. / Order No.: 3ZX1012-0NJ41-3AN1 ! Fax: +49 (0) 911-895-5907 Last update: 29 February 2008 Lieferumfang Quantity of delivery Composition de la fourniture Alcance del suministro Configurazione di fornitura Escopo de fornecimento Teslimat hacmi 3NJ...-1-3B_01 2 1 3NJ...-3-3B_01 2 1 1 3NJ...-3BF1_ 1,2 x 8 PZ 2 4 mm 2 Nm 1,2 x 6,5 PH 2 2 Nm 2,5 mm2 Ue = 450/750 V 2 Nm FEP 6YI 1 VDE 0207/1 Test voltage Up = 3000 V 2 3ZX1012-0NJ41-3AN1 40 Nm 1 2 AI/Cu 25...300 mm2 32 Nm M10 30...35 Nm M12 35...40 Nm 4 3m m M12 35...40 Nm 1 2 3NJ4911-3BA01 35mm 3NJ4918-1AA00 35 Nm 5/10 mm 3ZX1012-0NJ41-3AN1 3 Verdrahtungsplan Schema di cablaggio Wiring diagram Esquema de cableado Schema de cablage Kablo emasi Esquema de cableado Uberwachung Monitoring Surveillance Vigilancia Monitoraggio Monitoramento Kontrol 4 LED grun LED rot LED rot LED rot Betriebszustand Busy F1 F2 F3 Relais Schlieer 13-14 Offner 21-22 keine Netzspannung aus aus aus aus offen geschlossen Si. 1-3 o.k., Phase 1-3 o.k. an aus aus aus offen geschlossen Si. 2 defekt, Phase 1-3 o.k. an aus an aus geschlossen offen LED green LED red LED red LED red Operating state Busy F1 F2 F3 NO contact 13-14 NC contact 21-22 no line voltage off off off off open closed fuse. 1-3 o.k., Phase 1-3 o.k. on off off off open closed fuse. 2 defect, Phase 1-3 o.k. on off on off closed open LED verte LED rouge LED rouge LED rouge Etat de fonctionnement appareil actif F1 F2 F3 pas de tension en ligne eteinte eteinte eteinte eteinte Relay Relais NO 13-14 NF 21-22 ouvert ferme Fusibles. 1-3 o.k., phases 1-3 o.k. allumee eteinte eteinte eteinte ouvert ferme Fusible 2 defect., phases 1-3 o.k. allumee eteinte allumee eteinte ferme ouvert 3ZX1012-0NJ41-3AN1 LED verde LED rojo LED rojo LED rojo Estado operativo Ocupado F1 F2 F3 Sin voltaje de red apagado apagado apagado Rele Contacto NA 13-14 Contacto NC 21-22 apagado abierto cerrado Fus. 1-3 o.k., fase 1-3 o.k. encendido apagado apagado apagado abierto cerrado Fus. 2 averiado, fase 1-3 o.k encendido apagado encendido apagado cerrado abierto LED verde LED rosso LED rosso LED rosso Rele Stato operativo Occupato F1 F2 F3 Contatti NA 13-14 Contatti NC 21-22 Tensione di rete assente OFF OFF OFF OFF aperto chiuso Fus. 1-3 o.k., fase 1-3 o.k. ON OFF OFF OFF aperto chiuso Fus. 2 guasto, fase 1-3 o.k. ON OFF ON OFF chiuso aperto LED verde LED vermelho LED vermelho LED vermelho Estado operacional ocupado F1 F2 F3 sem tensao de rede Rele Contato NA 13-14 Contato NF 21-22 apagado apagado apagado apagado aberto fechado Fusivel 1-3 o.k., fase 1-3 o.k. aceso apagado apagado apagado aberto fechado Fusivel 2 defeituoso, fase 1-3 o.k. aceso apagado aceso apagado fechado aberto LED yeil LED kirmizi LED kirmizi LED kirmizi Busy F1 F2 F3 letim durumu ebeke gerilimi yok Role Kapayici 13-14 Acc 21-22 Kapali Kapali Kapali Kapali Ack Kapal Si. 1-3 o.k., Faz 1-3 o.k. Ack Kapali Kapali Kapali Ack Kapal Si. 2 bozuk, Faz 1-3 o.k. Ack Kapali Ack Kapali Kapal Ack F1 F2 F3 . 13-14 . 21-22 . 1-3 , 1-3 . . 2 , 1-3 . LED LED LED LED F1 F2 F3 13-14 1-3 o.k., 1-3 o.k. 1-3 o.k., 1-3 o.k. 2, 1-3 o.k. 2 , 1-3 o.k. 3ZX1012-0NJ41-3AN1 5 Technische Daten (IEC/EN 60 947-3) Technical data (IEC/EN 60947-3) Elektrische Kenngroen/Electrical characteristics Nennspannung AC/rated voltage AC Ue V 400 ... 690, 3 ph. 10% max. Leistungsaufnahme/max. power consumption Pv VA 1,5 Bemessungsfrequenz/Rated frequency - Hz 50/60 Innenwiderstand/ Internal resistance Ri M >2 Ansprechschwelle/ Response threshold Uo V >5 Ausfall einzelner parallel geschalteter Sicherungen kann nicht erkannt werden! No single defect detection of parallel connected fuses! Relais/Relay Auslosezeit/Response time t ms > 500 Relaiskontakte/Relay contacts - - 1 x NC/1 x NO Belastbarkeit AC/Current carrying capacity AC - - AC 15: 24 V/4 A; 230 V/3 A Belastbarkeit DC/Current carrying capacity DC - - DC 13: 24 V/1 A; 220 V/0,5 A Funktionsprinzip/Operational principle - - Arbeitsstrom/Working current EMV/EMC IEC 61000-4-5 Stospannung/Surge 1,2/50ms UL-L kV 6 IEC 61000-4-4 Schnelle transiente Storungen /Burst UL-L kV 2 Temperaturbereich/Temperature range - C -10 ... +55 Gebrauchsart/Utilization type - - beliebig/as required Schutzklasse/Protection class - - IP20 Anzeige/Indication Betrieb/Operation - - 1 LED (grun/green) Stormeldung/Fault indication - - 3 LED (F1, F2, F3 rot/red) starr/rigid - mm2 0,14 - 2,5 flexibel/flexible - mm2 0,14 - 1,5 Anzugsdrehmoment/Tightening torque - Nm 0,5 - 0,6 Montage/Mounting - - Allgemeine Daten/General data Anschluss/Connection Schraubklemmen/Screw terminals Hutschiene (EN 50022) Mounting rail (EN 50022) Abmessungen B x H x T Dimensions W x H x D - mm 48 x 96 x 92 Gewicht /Weight - kg 0,2 Sicherungsuberwachung wahrend des Hochspannungstests abtrennen! Disconnect fuse monitoring while running the high voltage test! 6 3ZX1012-0NJ41-3AN1 3ZX1012-0NJ41-3AN1 7 Abmessungen Dimensioni Dimensions Dimensoes Dimensions Ebatlar Technische Anderungen vorbehalten. Zum spateren Gebrauch aufbewahren. Subject to change without prior notice. Store for use at a later date. (c) Siemens AG 2006 Dimensiones Bestell-Nr. / Order No.: 3ZX1012-0NJ41-3AN1 Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany