Samsung eMMC
Managed NAND Flash memory solution supports mobile applications
FBGA QDP Package
High eciency, reduced costs and
quicker time to market
Figure 1. MMC user
NAND Flash memory
eMMC interface
HOST interface layer
NAND Flash memory
Flash interface layer
Virtual Flash layer
Flash transfer layer
Virtual address
Physical address
Expand device development with capable
memory solutions
To meet current trends for advanced mobile device designs,
manufacturers require memory that is increasingly dense,
robust and small:
• Dense. Sophisticated mobile devices require high-density
content storage that supports high-denition video play-
back and other high-end multimedia features. As a result,
memory densities are rapidly advancing.
• Robust. Today’s fastest and most demanding embedded
uses require strong memory management solutions.
Embedded uses include multifunctional smartphones,
portable media players and tablet computers.
• Small. The Joint Electron Device Engineering Council
(JEDEC) encourages memory to be produced in extremely
compact sizes to allow space for other components.
To focus on these demands, developers need an efcient way
to control software development by simplifying mass storage
designs and improving device production. Developers also
require the ability to create efcient mobile device designs
with minimal costs and brief time to market. Finally, they need
superior storage capabilities to augment device production.
Samsung has a wide range of eMMC solutions based on
performance requirements.
Samsung embedded multimedia card (eMMC) addresses
these needs with advanced embedded NAND Flash. The
eMMC helps simplify mass storage designs for the latest
consumer electronics. Samsung eMMC is produced in very
compact sizes (typically smaller than a postage stamp) to create
room within devices for additional parts. Key applications that
can benet from Samsung eMMC include advanced mobile
devices and handsets. These products use eMMC to expand
computing power and content storage. They also use eMMC
to provide booting functionality.
Simplify mass storage designs
Conventional NAND Flash memory can be challenging to
adopt. Developers may have some difculty controlling
software development, particularly when implementing wear
leveling, bad block management, device mapping and error
handling. Developers may also encounter issues related to die
shrinkage, including page size and error correcting code (ECC)
Conversely, Samsung eMMC is designed to be easy to adopt.
It is suitable for the latest consumer electronics, including
tablets, smartphones, GPS systems and e-readers. Chipset
validation means that eMMC is a thoroughly tested solution.
Samsung eMMC incorporates a mature interface standardized
by JEDEC, and key functionality yields strong power manage-
ment and performance optimization.
Samsung eMMC provides enhanced storage capabilities, a
reduced controller footprint and streamlined data reads and
writes. Standardized packaging and device specications plus
intelligent rmware ease design work and provide a common
footprint for the use of embedded and removable NAND.
Samsung offers a single footprint combining boot, embedded
storage and external mass storage in one device.
In addition, Samsung offers a wide range of eMMC solutions
based on low (4GB or 8GB) to high (16GB, 32GB, 64GB or
128GB) density requirements.
Enhanced ability to proceed directly
from concept to testing
Reduce development time and control costs
In the past, a product using NAND memory required changes
in the chipset or the OS. At times, the NAND memory also
required changes to be made in the Flash translation layer
(FTL). The changes then needed to be tested at the NAND
level, which could lead to signicant delays in product-level
testing. In contrast, developers using Samsung eMMC
can move directly from product concept to product testing.
Samsung eMMC isolates the host from changes in NAND
memory technology and bypasses the FTL, which reduces
design, development and testing time, and helps control costs.
Samsung eMMC simplies system design and integration of
2-bit and 3-bit multi-level cell (MLC)-type NAND memory, and
triple-level cell (TLC) memory, leading to faster overall time
to market. This approach makes Samsung eMMC memory
an excellent choice for deployment across a variety of segments,
including low-cost legacy chipsets. Samsung eMMC operates
at standard 4.41, 4.5, and 5.0 voltage levels, so there is no
need to develop or use separate rmware. This interface turns
memory accesses into straightforward read-write operations
with advanced security and reliability features.
Increase storage capabilities for diverse
Advanced mobile devices and handsets can use Samsung
eMMC to expand computing power and content storage.
Enhanced storage solutions for mobile devices that provide
high-density solid state memory can be integrated into system
designs. Traditional storage media, as a result of the high
storage capacity of eMMC, can be replaced by lower-power
solid-state drives (SSDs). Including SSDs enables increased
storage densities, reduced costs and low power consumption.
Content storage supports high-denition video playback
and other complex multimedia features. Computing power
provides booting functionality.
Samsung eMMC comprises high-density 2-bit and 3-bit MLC
NAND, and an intelligent MMC controller in a Ball Grid Array
(BGA) package.
Figure 2. Samsung eMMC memory enables users to proceed from product concept
directly to product testing.
Figure 3. 10nm-class eMMC
Product level
NAND level
Product concept
Flash translation layer
NAND porting
Platform adaptation
(Chipset dependent) OS adaptation
(OS dependent) Low level driver
(NAND dependent)
Intelligent mobile device development
Create an ecient way to develop
well-designed mobile devices
To maintain the required data rates and throughput for
high-density chips, the eMMC standard was developed to
enhance storage capabilities, reduce controller footprint
and streamline data reads and writes. Advanced Samsung
technology helps reduce the cost of application development
and increase work efciency, enabling developers to stay
competitive by building better and faster.
Samsung eMMC contributes to successful mobile device
development. The intelligent interface is designed for ease
of use, and enhanced storage solutions improve device
designs. Samsung eMMC also helps developers go straight
from concept to testing, reducing time to market.
Features Benets
Density of 4 GB to 128 GB Contributes to a variety of mobile & consumer designs
Small size Helps meet today’s mobile design requirements
Frees up space for other components
Enhanced storage capabilities Enhances robust mobile devices
Enables traditional storage media to be replaced by lower-power SSDs
Advanced embedded NAND Flash
Helps simplify mass storage designs
Aids in expanding computing power and content storage
Is designed for easier adoption
Standard, mature interface by JEDEC Provides strong power management and performance optimization
Open, Standard Specications for device features, function, and package pinout
Intelligent rmware Facilitates easier design work
Provides a common footprint for the use of embedded and removable NAND
Single footprint Combines boot, embedded storage and external mass storage in one device
Isolation of the host from changes
in NAND memory technology Enables developers to move directly from product concept to product testing
FTL bypass Reduces design, development and testing time
Mobile-Centric Optimized for very low power consumption
Features and benets
eMMC Interface Bandwidth
eMMC 4.3 eMMC 4.41 eMMC 4.5 eMMC 5.0
Samsung eMMC
eMMC Features eMMC 4.5 eMMC 5.0
Interface Speed/Max Bandwidth 200MB/s 400MB/s
Clock Frequency 200MHz 200MHz
Data Rate, Mode HS200, SDR HS400, DDR
Bus Width x4/x8 x4/x8
H/W Reset Yes Yes
Multi-Partition Yes Yes
Enhanced Mode (SLC + MLC) Yes Yes
Alternative Boot Yes Yes
Security Features (Trim, RPMB,
Secure Erase, Secure Trim) Yes Yes
Secure Trim Renement Yes Yes
High Priority Interrupt Yes Yes
Back Ground Operation Yes Yes
Packed Command Yes Yes
Cache Handling Yes Yes
Discard Yes Yes
Dynamic Capacity Yes Yes
Sanitize Yes Yes
Smart Report Vendor Specic Yes-standardized
F/W Update N/A Yes-standardized
Density Part Number Flash MMC Class* Seq R/W (MB/s) Ran R/W IOPS Pkg Size (mm) Status
4 GB KLM4G1YEMD-C031 32Gb*1
200 100/6 2500/200 11.5x13x0.8 CS
8 GB KLM8G1WEMB-B031 64Gb*1 200 100/6 2500/200 11.5x13x0.8 CS
16 GB KLMAG2WEMB-B031 64Gb*2 700 170/11 4000/500 11.5x13x0.8 CS
32 GB KLMBG4WEMC-B031 64Gb*4 1500 200/50 4000/1500 11.5x13x1.0 CS
64 GB KLMCG8WEMC-B031 64Gb*8 1500 200/50 4000/1500 11.5x13x1.0 CS
Standard eMMC:
Density Part Number Flash MMC Class* Seq R/W (MB/s) Ran R/W IOPS Pkg Size (mm) Status
4 GB KLM4G1FEAC-B031 32Gb*1
700 150/10 4000/700 11x10x0.8 MP
8 GB KLM8G1GEAC-B031 64Gb*1 700 180/20 4000/700 11.5x13x1.0 MP
16 GB KLMAG2GEAC-B031 64Gb*2 2000 240/40 6000/2500 11.5x13x1.0 MP
32 GB KLMBG4GEAC-B031 64Gb*4 2000 240/60 6000/2500 11.5x13x1.0 MP
64 GB KLMCG8GEAC-B031 64Gb*8 2000 240/60 6000/2500 11.5x13x1.2 MP
128 GB KLMDGAGEAC-B001 64Gb*16 4.5 2000 150/50 3500/2000 11.5x13x1.4 MP
High-Performance eMMC-Pro:
Samsung eMMC Part Number Matrix
* eMMC Class refers to RW IOPS
** eMMC Performance Conditions: Bus width x8, cache on, 512KB data transfer, device is full w/o le system overhead
*** eMMC 5.0 is JEDEC Compliant and is backwards compatible with older eMMC versions such as 4.41 & 4.5.
Legal and additional information
About Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is a global leader in
semiconductor, telecommunication, digital media and
digital convergence technologies with 2011 consolidated
sales of US$143.1 billion. Employing approximately
222,000 people in 205 ofces across 71 countries,
the company operates two separate organizations to
coordinate its nine independent business units: Digital
Media & Communications, comprising Visual Display,
Mobile Communications, Telecommunication Systems,
Digital Appliances, IT Solutions, and Digital Imaging; and
Device Solutions, consisting of Memory, System LSI and
LCD. Recognized for its industry-leading performance
across a range of economic, environmental and social
criteria, Samsung Electronics was named the world’s most
sustainable technology company in the 2011 Dow Jones
Sustainability Index. For more information, please visit
For more information
For more information about Samsung eMMC, visit
Copyright © 2013 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. All rights reserved. Samsung
is a registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Specications
and designs are subject to change without notice. Non-metric weights and
measurements are approximate. All data were deemed correct at time of
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Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
Giheung Campus, 95, Samsung 2-ro,
Giheung-Gu, Yongin, Gyeonggi-Do