Data Sheet 35 12.00
CAN Controller (C505C and C505CA only)
The on-chip CAN controller, compliant to version 2.0B, is the functional heart which provides all
resources that are required to run the standard CAN protocol (11-bit identifiers) as well as the
extended CAN protocol (29-bit identifiers). It provides a sophisticated object layer to relieve the
CPU of as much o verhead as possible when c ontrolling many di fferent message obj ects (up to 15).
This includes bus arbitration, resending of garbled messages, error handling, interrupt generation,
etc. In order to implement the physical layer, external components have to be connected to the
The internal bus interface connects the on-chip CAN controller to the internal bus of the
microcontroll er. The registers and dat a locations of the CAN interface are m apped to a specific 256
byte wide address range of th e external data memory area (F700H to F7FFH) and can be accessed
using MOVX instructions. Figure 15 shows a block diagram of the on-chip CAN controller.
The TX/RX Shift Register holds the destuffed bit stream from the bus line to allow the parallel
access t o the whole data or remo te frame for the acc eptance mat ch test and the para llel trans fer of
the frame to and from the Intelligent Memory.
The Bit Stream Processor (BS P) is a sequencer controlling the sequential data stream between
the TX/RX Shift Register, the CRC Register, and the bus line. The BSP also controls the EML and
the parallel dat a stream between the TX/RX Shift Register and the Intelli gent Memory such that the
processes of reception, arbitration, transmission, and error signalling are performed according to
the CAN protocol. Note that the automatic retransmis sion of mes sages which have been c orrupted
by noise or other external error conditions on the bus line is handled by the BSP.
The Cyclic Redundancy Check Register (CRC) generates the Cyclic Redundancy Check code to
be transmitted after the data bytes and checks the CRC code of incoming messages. This is done
by dividing the data stream by the code generator polynomial.
The Error Management Logic (EML) is responsible for the fault confinement of the CAN device. Its
counters, the Receive Error Counter and the Transmit Error Counter, are incremented and
decremented by commands from the Bit Stream Processor. According to the values of the error
counters, the CAN controller is set into the states error active, error passive and busoff.
The Bit Timing Logic (BTL) monitors the busline input RXDC and handles the busline related bit
timing according to the CAN protocol. The BTL synchronizes on a recessive to dominant busline
transition at Start of Fra me (hard synchronization) and on any further recessive to dominant busline
transition, if the CAN controller its elf does n ot transmit a dominant bi t (resynchroni zation). The BTL
also provides programmable time segments to compensate for the propagation delay time and for
phase shifts and to define the position of the Sample Point in the bit time. The programming of the
BTL depends on the baudrate and on external physical delay times.
The Intelligent Memory (CAM/RAM array) provides storage for up to 15 message objects of
maximum 8 data bytes length. Each of these objects has a unique identifier and its own set of
control and status bits. After the initial configuration, the Intelligent Memory can handle the
reception and transmission of data without further microcontroller actions.