PM52AUBW060 Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 (724) 925-7272 IntellimodTM Module Active Filter IPM 20 Amperes/600 Volts Description: Powerex IntellimodTM Intelligent Power Modules are isolated base modules designed for power switching applications operating at frequencies to 20kHz. The New Active Filter Intelligent Power Module (AFIPM) includes protection circuitry for the IGBT. A B D F F E F G Q G 2120 1918 1716 151413121110 9 8 7 6 S H C R J K T Features: Variable DC Output Voltage Control Function S 1 2 3 4 M L Q N Z Y Soft Start Function 5 Protection Logic - Output Voltage Repression - Output Over Voltage - Under Voltage Lockout - Over Temperature - Short Circuit Current P Y W U V X Applications: Front End for Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) Motor Control PFC (Power Factor Correction) Terminal Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 P2 L N2 P1 N1 GND FO VSIG CAOUT VCTRL NC 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 TEST On/Off VD NC NC NC NC NC NC VO Ordering Information: Use complete type name PM52AUBW060 Outline Drawing and Circuit Diagram Dimensions Inches Millimeters Dimensions A 2.870.04 73.01.0 B 2.560.02 65.00.5 C 2.09 D 0.38 E F Inches Millimeters N 1.600.02 40.640.5 P 0.160.02 4.10.5 53.0 Q 0.02 0.6 9.64 R 1.98 50.4 1.80.02 45.720.5 S 0.10 2.5 0.20 5.08 T 0.77 19.5 G 0.10 2.54 U 0.630.04 16.01.0 H 0.18 4.5 V 0.310.02 8.00.5 J 0.95 24.0 W 0.14 3.5 K 0.63 16.0 X 0.04 1.0 L 0.48 12.18 Y 0.06 1.5 M 0.400.01 10.160.3 Z 2.09 53.0 1 Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 (724) 925-7272 PM52AUBW060 IntellimodTM Module Active Filter IPM 20 Amperes/600 Volts Absolute Maximum Ratings, Tj = 25 C unless otherwise specified Characteristics Symbol PM52AUBW060 Units Junction Temperature Tj -20 to 125 C Storage Temperature Tstg -40 to 125 C Case Operating Temperature (Note 1) TC -20 to 100 C Mounting Torque M4 Mounting Screws - 13 in-lb Module Weight (Typical) - 50 Grams Output Voltage Isolation Voltage, AC 1 Minute, 60Hz Sinusoidal VO 370 Volts VRMS 2500 Volts VD 20 Volts Control Sector Supply Voltage (Applied between VD-GND) Control Voltage (Applied between Vctrl-GND) Vctrl 0 ~ VD Volts Von/off 0 ~ VD Volts Vi 255 VRMS Surge Supply Voltage (Applied between P1-N1, Surge Value, Non-operating) VCC(surge) 500 Volts Surge Output Voltage (Applied between P2-N2, Surge Value, Non-operating) VO(surge) 500 Volts Collector-Emitter Voltage VCES 600 Volts Repetitive Peak Reverse Voltage VRRM 600 Volts ON / OFF Signal Voltage IGBT Sector Supply Voltage (Applied between P1-N1) Input Current (100% Load, TC 90C, Vi = 100 ~ 200, VO = 300V) Ii 20 ARMS Ii(over load) 25 ARMS I2t 120 A2s Load (Vi = 100V) 2.0 kW Load (Vi = 200V) 4.0 kW Input Current (125% Load, TC 90C, Vi = 100 ~ 200, VO = 300V, Non-repetitive) I2t for Fusing (1 msec of Surge Current) Note 1: Tc Measurement Point 21 20 1 19 18 17 16 2 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 3 TC 2 4 5 Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 (724) 925-7272 PM52AUBW060 IntellimodTM Module Active Filter IPM 20 Amperes/600 Volts Electrical Characteristics, Tj = 25 C unless otherwise specified Characteristics Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units Output Voltage Adjust (1) VO Vi = 100V, LR = 400, Vsig = 1.38V 353 360 367 Volts Output Voltage Adjust (2) VO Vi = 100V, LR = 400, Vsig = 2.08V 293 300 307 Volts Output Voltage Adjust (3) VO Vi = 100V, LR = 400, Vsig = 3.26V 193 200 207 Volts x 100% -1 - +1 % x 100% -1 - +1 % 0 - +6 % x 100% -3 - 0 % x 100% 0 - +3 % Vi = 100V, VO = 300V, LR = 48 - - 100 ms Vi = 100V, VO = 300V, - - 30 Volts 0.99 0.995 1.0 VO = 300V, LR = 400 Output Voltage Stability vs Input Voltage VO(Vi = 90V) - VO(Vi = 100V) (1-1) VO(Vi = 100V) VO(Vi = 110V) - VO(Vi = 100V) (1-2) VO(Vi = 100V) Output Voltage Stability vs Load Vi = 100V, VO = 300V VO(Load = 400) - VO(Load = 48) (2) x 100% VO(Load = 48) Output Voltage Stability vs Ambient Temperature Vi = 100V, VO = 300V, LR = 400 VO(Ta = -20C) - VO(Ta = +25C) (3-1) VO(Ta = +25C) VO(Ta = +100C) - VO(Ta = +25C) (3-2) VO(Ta = +25C) Rise Time Over Shoot Voltage LR = 400, L1 = 1mH Power Factor cos Vi = 100V, VO = 300V, LR = 400 Internal Function Block Diagram Noise Filter Vi S Ll Vo L P2 DB1 R Load + Ci - CO C O Note 1: When applying 200V class input voltage, please use In-rush current limitter S and R for stable and safe operation. Note 2: Selection of Rv: When applying 200V class Input Voltage, please use 270k, 0.25W. When applying 100V input voltage please use Rv = 0 (short). Note 3: Please make sure to short between VO and P2 terminals for stable and safe operation. Rv N2 Nl Control Circuit Pl Multiplx IGBT OC Protection Output Voltage Negative Feedback Output O/V Protection VCTRL Buffer for VCTRL VD = 15V Drive Circuit VD + Comparator Input Current Negative Feedback OT Oscillator Fault Out VAOUT VSIG On/ Off Control Power Supply UV Protection FO Open Collector N.C. - 10 F N.C. GND 3 Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 (724) 925-7272 PM52AUBW060 IntellimodTM Module Active Filter IPM 20 Amperes/600 Volts Control Sector Supply Voltage VD 13.5 15 16.5 Volts Circuit Current (Active) ID - 25 30 mA Circuit Current Applied between VD-GND ID - 13 - mA Input ON Threshold Voltage Vth(on) - 2.75 3.3 Volts Input OFF Threshold Voltage Vth(off) 1.9 2.45 - Volts fSW 18 20 22 kHz Switching Frequency Supply Circuit Under Voltage Protection UV Trip Level (Note 2) 11.5 12.0 12.5 Volts UVR Reset Level (Note 2) 12.0 12.5 13.0 Volts Vctrl Current Ictrl VO = 300V, VD = 15V, Vctrl = 1.04V - -0.31 - mA Output Voltage Protection OV1 Trip Level (Note 2) VO+10 VO+20 VO+30 Volts OV1R Reset Level (Note 2) OV1-9 OV1-7 OV1-5 Volts Over Voltage Protection OV2 Trip Level (Note 2) 400 415 430 Volts Short Circuit Current Trip Level SC Trip Level (Note 2) - 150 - A Over Temperature Protection OT Trip Level (Note 2) 100 110 120 C Fault Output Voltage OTR Reset Level (Note 2) - 90 - C VFOH IFOL 20A (Non-operating) 4.5 - - Volts VFOL IFOL 10mA (Operating) - - 1.0 Volts Note 2: Fault output is given when the internal UV protection (Auto-reset) Fault output is not given when the internal OV1 protection (Auto-reset) Fault output is given when the internal OV2 protection (Reset when ON/OFF [terminal 13] is low) Fault output is given when the internal SC protection (Reset when ON/OFF [terminal 13] is low) Fault output is given when the internal OT protection (Auto-reset) 4 Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 (724) 925-7272 PM52AUBW060 IntellimodTM Module Active Filter IPM 20 Amperes/600 Volts Electrical Characteristics, (Tj = 25C, VD = 15V, L1 = 1mH, CO = 1mF unless otherwise noted) Characteristics Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units tC(on) VCE = 300V, ICE = 30A, - 0.07 - S tC(off) Tj = 125C - 0.24 - S trr VCE = 300V, IF = 30A, Tj = 125C - 0.07 - S VCE(sat) ICE = 50A - 1.8 2.4 Volts VEC IE = 50A - 2.1 2.6 Volts IGBT Sector Inductive Load Switching Times Collector-Emitter Saturation Voltage Diode Forward Voltage Collector-Emitter Cutoff Current ICES VCE = 600V - - 1.0 mA Repetitive Peak Reverse Current IRRM VRRM = 600V - - 1.0 mA Irr VCE = 300V, ICE = 30A - 45 - A Characteristic Symbol Condition Junction to Case Thermal Resistance Rth(j-c) Contact Thermal Resistance Reverse Recovery Current Thermal Characteristics Min. Typ. Max. Units IGBT - - 0.94 C/Watt Rth(j-c) FWDi - - 1.15 C/Watt Rth(c-f) Case to Fin Per Module, - - 0.09 C/Watt Thermal Grease Applied Recommended Conditions for Use Characteristic Supply Voltage Input Current Output Voltage Symbol Min. Typ. Max. Units Vi Applied between P1-N1 90 - 255 Vrms VD Applied between VD-GND 13.5 15 16.5 Volts Ii - - 20 Arms VO 170 300 350 Volts 100 - 2000 Watts - 1 - mF Load Reactor Condition Vi = 100V, VO = 300V L Input Capacitor Ci - 3.3 - F Output Capacitor CO 1000 - - F CO' - 3.3 - F 5 Powerex, Inc., 200 Hillis Street, Youngwood, Pennsylvania 15697-1800 (724) 925-7272 PM52AUBW060 IntellimodTM Module Active Filter IPM 20 Amperes/600 Volts Circuit of Terminal Vctrl P2 P2 VO VO VD VD A/F IPM PWM Vctrl Vctrl Recommended Value GND 10F VAOUT - + Vsig A/F IPM GND AC Input Voltage and Control Signal Timing Chart Power-ON Power-OFF AC Input Voltage Vi 0V Control Voltage VD 0V ON ON/OFF OFF Vsig 4.5V 0V Please apply the POWER-ON/OFF signals as described in the above timing chart. And please apply to adjust the PAM control signal (Vsig) after turning on the ON/OFF switch. AC Input Waveforms without A/F IPM I V 6 AC Input Waveform with A/F IPM