Mode RW bit MODE Bytes Initial Sequence
Current Address Read ’1’ X 1 START, Device Select, RW = ’1’
Random Address Read ’0’ X1
START, Device Select, RW =’0’, Address,
’1’ reSTART, Device Select,RW = ’1’
Sequential Read ’1’ X 1 to 512 Similar to Current or Random Mode
Byte Write ’0’ X 1 START, Device Select, RW = ’0’
Multibyte Write (2) ’0’ VIH 4 START, Device Select, RW = ’0’
Page Write ’0’ VIL 8 START, Device Select, RW = ’0’
Notes: 1. X= VIH or VIL
2. Multibyte Write not available in ST24/25W04 versions.
Table 4. OperatingModes (1)
Device Code Chip Enable Block
Select RW
Bit b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b0
Device Select 1 0 1 0 E2 E1 A8 RW
Note: The MSB b7 is sent first.
Table 3. Device SelectCode
Whenwriting data tothe memory it respondsto the
8 bits received by asserting an acknowledge bit
during the 9th bit time. When data is read by the
bus master,it acknowledgesthe receiptof the data
bytes in the same way. Data transfers are termi-
natedwith a STOPcondition.
Power On Reset: VCC lock out write protect. In
order to prevent data corruption and inadvertent
write operations during power up, a Power On
Reset(POR) circuit is implemented. Until the VCC
voltage has reached the POR thresholdvalue, the
internal reset is active, all operationsare disabled
and the device will not respond to any command.
In the same way, when VCC drops down from the
operating voltage to below the POR threshold
value, all operations are disabled and the device
will not respond to any command. A stable VCC
mustbe appliedbefore applying anylogic signal.
Serial Clock (SCL). The SCL input pin is used to
synchronize all data in and out of the memory. A
resistor canbe connectedfrom the SCLline to VCC
to act as a pull up (see Figure 3).
Serial Data (SDA). The SDA pin is bi-directional
andis usedto transferdatain orout ofthe memory.
It is an open drain output that may be wire-OR’ed
with other open drain or open collector signals on
the bus.AresistormustbeconnectedfromtheSDA
bus line to VCC to actas pull up (see Figure3).
Chip Enable (E1 - E2). These chip enable inputs
are used to set the 2 least significantbits (b2, b3)
of the 7 bit device select code. These inputs may
be driven dynamically or tied to VCC or VSS to
establish the device selectcode.
Protect Enable (PRE). The PRE input pin, in ad-
dition to thestatusof theBlock AddressPointerbit
(b2, location 1FFh as in Figure 7), sets the PRE
write protectionactive.
Mode(MODE). TheMODEinputisavailableonpin
7 (seealsoWC feature)andmaybedrivendynami-
cally. It must be at VIL or VIH for the Byte Write
mode, VIH for Multibyte Write mode or VIL forPage
Writemode. When unconnected,the MODE input
is internallyread as VIH (Multibyte Write mode).
Write Control (WC). An hardware Write Control
feature (WC) is offered only for ST24W04 and
ST25W04versions onpin 7. Thisfeature is usefull
to protect the contents of the memory from any
erroneouserase/write cycle. The Write Controlsig-
nal is used to enable (WC = VIH) or disable (WC =
VIL) the internal write protection. When uncon-
nected, the WC input is internally read as VIL and
the memory areais not writeprotected.
ST24/25C04, ST24C04R, ST24/25W04