Hardware Documentation Data Sheet (R) HAL 2850 Linear Hall-Effect Sensor with PWM Output Edition Aug 9, 2011 DSH000160_001EN HAL 2850 DATA SHEET Copyright, Warranty, and Limitation of Liability The information and data contained in this document are believed to be accurate and reliable. The software and proprietary information contained therein may be protected by copyright, patent, trademark and/or other intellectual property rights of Micronas. All rights not expressly granted remain reserved by Micronas. Micronas assumes no liability for errors and gives no warranty representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose due to these specifications. Micronas Trademarks - HAL - varioHAL Micronas Patents Choppered Offset Compensation protected by Micronas patents no. US5260614A, US5406202A, and EP0548391B1. Third-Party Trademarks By this publication, Micronas does not assume responsibility for patent infringements or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. Commercial conditions, product availability and delivery are exclusively subject to the respective order confirmation. All other brand and product names or company names may be trademarks of their respective companies. Any information and data which may be provided in the document can and do vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters must be validated for each customer application by customers' technical experts. Any new issue of this document invalidates previous issues. Micronas reserves the right to review this document and to make changes to the document's content at any time without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revision or changes. For further advice please contact us directly. Do not use our products in life-supporting systems, aviation and aerospace applications! Unless explicitly agreed to otherwise in writing between the parties, Micronas' products are not designed, intended or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implants into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the product could create a situation where personal injury or death could occur. No part of this publication may be reproduced, photocopied, stored on a retrieval system or transmitted without the express written consent of Micronas. 2 Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN Micronas HAL 2850 DATA SHEET Contents Page Section Title 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 1. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. Introduction Major Applications Features Marking Code Operating Junction Temperature Range (TJ) Hall Sensor Package Codes Solderability and Welding Pin Connections and Short Descriptions 6 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.2.1. 2.2.2. 2.3. 2.3.1. 2.3.2. 2.3.3. 2.3.4. 2.4. 2.5. Functional Description General Function Digital Signal Processing Temperature Compensation DSP Configuration Registers Power-on Self Test (POST) Description of POST Implementation RAM Test ROM Test EEPROM Test Sensor Behavior in Case of External Errors Detection of Signal Path Errors 12 12 16 16 16 16 17 18 19 20 20 3. 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.4.1. 3.5. 3.6. 3.7. 3.8. 3.8.1. Specifications Outline Dimensions Dimensions of Sensitive Area Positions of Sensitive Area Absolute Maximum Ratings Storage and Shelf Life Recommended Operating Conditions Electrical Characteristics Magnetic Characteristics Thermal Characteristics Definition of Sensitivity Error ES 22 24 4. 4.1. The PWM Module Programmable PWM Parameter 27 27 28 28 5. 5.1. 5.2. 5.3. Programming of the Sensor Programming Interface Programming Environment and Tools Programming Information 29 29 29 29 29 30 6. 6.1. 6.2. 6.3. 6.3.1. 6.4. Application Note Ambient Temperature EMC and ESD Output Description How to Measure PWM Output Signal Application Circuit 32 7. Data Sheet History Micronas Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN 3 HAL 2850 DATA SHEET Linear Hall-Effect Sensor with PWM Output 1.2. Features - High-precision linear Hall-effect sensor 1. Introduction - Spinning current offset compensation The HAL 2850 is a member of the Micronas family of programmable linear Hall-effect sensors. The HAL 2850 features a temperature-compensated Hall plate with spinning current offset compensation, an A/D converter, digital signal processing, an EEPROM memory with redundancy and lock function for the calibration data, and protection devices at all pins. The internal digital signal processing is of great benefit because analog offsets, temperature shifts, and mechanical stress do not degrade digital signals. The easy programmability allows a 2-point calibration by adjusting the output signal directly to the input signal (like mechanical angle, distance, or current). Individual adjustment of each sensor during the customer's manufacturing process is possible. With this calibration procedure, the tolerances of the sensor, the magnet, and the mechanical positioning can be compensated in the final assembly. In addition, the temperature-compensation of the Hall IC can be fit to all common magnetic materials by programming first- and second-order temperature coefficients of the Hall sensor sensitivity. It is also possible to compensate offset drifts over temperature generated by the customer application with a first-order temperature coefficient of the sensor offset. This enables operation over the full temperature range with high accuracy. For programming purposes, the sensor features a programming interface with a Biphase-M protocol on the DIO pin (output). In the application mode, the sensor provides a continuous PWM signal. - 20 bit digital signal processing - ESD protection at DIO pin - Reverse voltage and ESD protection at VSUP pin - Various sensor parameter are programmable (like offset, sensitivity, temperature coefficients, etc.) - Non-volatile memory with redundancy and lock function - Programmable temperature compensation for sensitivity (2nd order) and offset (1st order) - PWM frequency programmable from 31.25 Hz up to 2 kHz - PWM resolution between 11 bit and 16 bit depending on the PWM frequency - Magnetic ranges from 20 mT up to 160 mT in 20 mT steps - On-board diagnostics (overvoltage, output current, overtemperature, signal path overflow) - Power-on self-test covering memory and full signal path from Hall plates to PWM output - Biphase-M interface (programming mode) - Sample accurate transmission for certain periods (Each PWM period transmits a new Hall sample) - Digital readout of temperature and magnetic field information in calibration mode - Open-drain output with slew rate control (load independent) - Programming and operation of multiple sensors at the same supply line - High immunity against mechanical stress, ESD, and EMC 1.1. Major Applications 1.3. Marking Code - Contactless potentiometers - Angular measurements (e.g.; torque force, pedal position, suspension level, headlight adjustment; or valve position) The HAL 2850 has a marking on the package surface (branded side). This marking includes the name of the sensor and the temperature range. - Linear position - Current sensing for motor control, battery management Type HAL2850 4 Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN Temperature Range A K 2850 2850 Micronas HAL 2850 DATA SHEET 1.4. Operating Junction Temperature Range (TJ) The Hall sensors from Micronas are specified to the chip temperature (junction temperature range TJ). A: TJ = 40 C to +170 C K: TJ = 40 C to +140 C The relationship between ambient temperature (TA) and junction temperature is explained in Section 6.1. on page 29. 1.7. Pin Connections and Short Descriptions Pin No. Pin Name Type 1 VSUP Supply Voltage 2 GND Ground 3 DIO IN/ OUT Short Description Digital IO PWM Output 1.5. Hall Sensor Package Codes 1 VSUP HALXXXXPA-T 3 Temperature Range: A or K DIO Package: UT for TO92UT -1/-2 Type: 2850 2 GND Fig. 1-1: Pin configuration Example: HAL2850UT-K Type: 2850 Package: TO92UT-1/-2 Temperature Range: TJ = 40 C to +140 C Hall sensors are available in a wide variety of packaging versions and quantities. For more detailed information, please refer to the brochure: "Hall Sensors: Ordering Codes, Packaging, Handling". 1.6. Solderability and Welding Solderability During soldering reflow processing and manual reworking, a component body temperature of 260 C should not be exceeded. Welding Device terminals should be compatible with laser and electrical welding. Please note that the success of the welding process is subject to different welding parameters which will vary according to the welding technique used. A very close control of the welding parameters is absolutely necessary in order to reach satisfying results. Micronas, therefore, does not give any implied or express warranty as to the ability to weld the component. Micronas Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN 5 HAL 2850 DATA SHEET 2. Functional Description Application Mode 2.1. General Function The output signal is provided as continuous PWM signal. The HAL 2850 is a monolithic integrated circuit, which provides an output signal proportional to the magnetic flux through the Hall plate. Programming Mode For the programming of the sensor parameters, a Biphase-M protocol is used. The external magnetic field component, perpendicular to the branded side of the package, generates a Hall voltage. The Hall IC is sensitive to magnetic north and south polarity. This voltage is converted to a digital value, processed in the digital signal processing Unit (DSP) according to the settings of the EEPROM registers. The HAL 2850 provides non-volatile memory which is divided in different blocks. The first block is used for the configuration of the digital signal processing, the second one is used to configure the PWM module. The non-volatile memory employs inherent redundancy.^ The function and the parameters for the DSP are explained in Section 2.2. on page 7. Internal temperature compensation circuitry and the spinning current offset compensation enables operation over the full temperature range with minimal changes in accuracy and high offset stability. The circuitry also rejects offset shifts due to mechanical stress from the package. The HAL 2850 provides two operation modes, the application mode and the programming mode. VSUP Internally Stabilized Supply and Protection Devices Temperature Dependent Bias Oscillator Switched Hall Plate A/D Converter Digital Signal Processing Temperature Sensor A/D Converter Protection Devices PWM Module EEPROM Memory Open Drain Output with Slew Control DIO Programming Interface Lock Control GND Fig. 2-1: HAL 2850 block diagram 6 Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN Micronas HAL 2850 DATA SHEET The output value y is calculated out of the factory-compensated Hall value yTCI as: 2.2. Digital Signal Processing All parameters and the values y, yTCI are normalized to the interval (1, 1) which represents the full scale magnetic range as programmed in the RANGE register. y = y TCI + d TVAL c TVAL Parameter d is representing the offset and c is the coefficient for sensitivity. Example for 40 mT Range 1 equals 40 mT +1 equals +40 mT For the definition of the register values, please refer to Section 2.2.2. on page 9 The digital signal processing (DSP) is the major part of the sensor and performs the signal conditioning. The parameters of the DSP are stored in the DSP CONFIG area of the EEPROM. The device provides a digital temperature compensation. It consists of the internal temperature compensation, the customer temperature compensation, as well as an offset and sensitivity adjustment. The internal temperature compensation (factory compensation) eliminates the temperature drift of the Hall sensor itself. The customer temperature compensation is calculated after the internal temperature drift has been compensated. Thus, the customer has not to take care about the sensor's internal temperature drift. The current Hall value y is stored in the data register HVD immediately after it has been temperature compensated. A new PWM period transmits the recent temperaturecompensated Hall sample. A new Hall sample is transmitted by the next PWM period and samples will neither be lost nor doubly transmitted. Sample accurate transmission is available for native PWM periods (0.512 ms, 1.024 ms, 2.048 ms, 4.096 ms, 8.192 ms, 16.384 ms and 32.768 ms period). MDC PERIOD R PWMMIN B A internal temp. comp. D yTCI custom. temp. offset & sens. comp. adjustm. y 16 R limiter PWMDTY HVD T (temp.) Note: HVAL is stored in HVD register TVAL A D 12 to 16 bit PERIOD[4:0] OP D PWM polarity SR I/O logic PWM 31 to 2000 Hz Fig. 2-2: Block diagram of digital signal path Micronas Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN 7 HAL 2850 DATA SHEET 2.2.1. Temperature Compensation TVAL Terminology: The number TVAL provides the adjusted value of the built-in temperature sensor. D0: name of the register or register value d0: name of the parameter TVAL is a 16-bit two's complement binary ranging from 32768 to 32767. The customer programmable parameters "c" (sensitivity) and d (offset) are polynomials of the temperature. The temperature is represented by the adjusted readout value TVAL of a built-in temperature sensor. The update rate of the temperature value TVAL is less than 100 ms. The sensitivity polynomial c(TVAL) is of second order in temperature: c TVAL = c 0 + c 1 TVAL + c 2 TVAL It is stored in the TVD register. Note: The actual resolution of the temperature sensor is 12 bit. The 16-bit representation avoids rounding errors in the computation. The relation between TVAL and the junction temperature TJ is 2 T J = 0 + TVAL 1 For the definition of the polynomial coefficients please refer to Section 2.2.2. on page 9. The Offset polynomial d(TADJ) is linear in temperature: d TVAL = d 0 + d 1 TVAL Table 2-1: Relation between TJ and TADJ (typical values) Coefficient Value Unit 0 71.65 C 1 1 / 231.56 C For the definition of the polynomial coefficients, please refer to Section 2.2.2. on page 9. For the calibration procedure of the sensor in the system environment, the two values HVAL and TADJ are provided. These values are stored in volatile registers. HVAL The number HVAL represents the digital output value y which is proportional to the applied magnetic field. HVAL is a 16-bit two's complement binary ranging from 32768 to 32767. It is stored in the HVD register. y = HVAL ---------------32768 In case of internal overflows, the output will clamp to the maximum or minimum HVAL value. Please take care that during calibration, the output signal range does not reach the maximum/minimum value. 8 Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN Micronas HAL 2850 DATA SHEET 2.2.2. DSP Configuration Registers Magnetic Sensitivity C This section describes the function of the DSP configuration registers. For details on the EEPROM please refer to Application Note Programming of HAL 2850. The C (sensitivity) registers contain the parameters for the multiplier in the DSP. The multiplication factor is a second order polynomial of the temperature. Magnetic Range: RANGE C0 Register The RANGE register defines the magnetic range of the A/D converter. The RANGE register has to be set according to the applied magnetic field range. Table 2-4: Temperature independent coefficient It can be varied between: 20 mT and 160 mT in steps of 20 mT. Parameter Range Resolution c0 2.0810 ... 2.2696 12 bit C0 2048 ... 2047 Magnetic Offset D C0 is encoded as two's complement binary: The D (offset) registers contain the parameters for the adder in the DSP. The added value is a first order polynomial of the temperature. 2.1758 c 0 = ---------------- C0 + 89.261 2048 D0 Register C1 Register Table 2-2: Temperature independent coefficient Table 2-5: Linear temperature coefficient Parameter Range Resolution d0 0.5508 ... 0.5497 10 bit D0 512 ... 511 Parameter Range Resolution c1 7.955 x 106... 1.951 x 105 9 bit C1 256 ... 255 D0 is encoded as two's complement binary. C1 is encoded as two's complement binary. 0.5508 d 0 = ---------------- D0 512 0.4509 -5 c 1 = ---------------- C1 + 108.0 3.0518 10 256 D1 Register C2 Register Table 2-3: Linear temperature coefficient Table 2-6: Quadratic temperature coefficient Parameter Range Resolution 106 ... d1 3.076 x D1 64 ... 63 3.028 x 106 7 bit Parameter Range Resolution c2 1.87 x 1010... 1.86 x 1010 8 bit C2 128 ... 127 D1 is encoded as two's complement binary. C2 is encoded as two's complement binary. 0.1008 -5 d 1 = ---------------- D1 3.0518 10 64 Micronas 0.2008 - 10 c 2 = ---------------- C2 9.3132 10 128 Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN 9 HAL 2850 DATA SHEET 2.3. Power-on Self Test (POST) 2.3.2. RAM Test The HAL 2850 features a built-in power-on self test to support in system start-up test to enhanced the system failure detection possibilities. The RAM test consists of an address test and an RAM cell test. The address test checks if each byte of the RAM can be singly accessed. The RAM cell test checks if the RAM cells are capable of holding both 0 and 1. The power-on self test comprises the following sensor blocks: - RAM 2.3.3. ROM Test - ROM - EEPROM - Full signal path including (Hall-Plates, ADC, low pass filter, temperature compensation and the PWM output) The power-on self test can be activated by setting certain bits in the sensors EEPROM. Also the test complexity is customer selectable. The following table shows the available test combinations. The ROM test consists of a checksum algorithm. The checksum is calculated by a byte by byte summation of the entire ROM. The 8-bit checksum value is stored in the ROM. The checksum is calculated at the ROM test using the entire ROM and is then compared with the stored checksum. An error will be indicated in case that there is a difference between stored and calculated checksum. Table 2-7: Power-On Self Test Modes 2.3.4. EEPROM Test EEPROM. POST Mode / Function The EEPROM test is similar to the ROM test. The only difference is that the checksum is calculated for the EEPROM memory and that the 8-bit checksum is stored in one register of the EEPROM. [1] [0] 0 0 POST disabled. 0 1 Memory test only, enabled (RAM, ROM, EEPROM). 1 0 Memory test and signal path stimulation enabled. Output disabled during signal path stimulation. 1 1 Memory test and signal path stimulation enabled. Output enabled during signal path stimulation. In case of a failed memory or signal path test the PWM output is forced to minimum duty-cycle immediately. 2.3.1. Description of POST Implementation HAL 2850 starts the internal POST as soon as the external supply voltage reaches the minimum supply voltage (VSUPon). The sensor output is disabled during the POST. It is enabled after the POST has been finished (after tstartup). A failed POST is immediately setting the PWM output to the minimum duty cycle. 10 Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN Micronas HAL 2850 DATA SHEET 2.4. Sensor Behavior in Case of External Errors HAL 2850 shows the following behavior in case of external errors: - Short of output against VSUP: The sensor output is switched off (high impedance) when an over current occurs in the DIO output. It is re enabled before or while the next low pulse of the PWM signal is transmitted.Therefore the ECU must discard the first rising edge after a disturbance has occurred. The ECU has to identify destroyed PWM periods by evaluating the period time - Break of VSUP or GND line: A sensor with opendrain output and digital interface does not need a wire-break detection logic. The wire-break function is covered by the pull-up resistor on the receiver. Assuming a pull-up resistor in the receiver 100% duty-cycle (output always high) indicates a GND or VSUP line break. This error can be detected one period after its occurrence - Under or over voltage: The sensor output is switched off (high impedance) after under or over voltage has been detected by the sensor - Over temperature detection: The sensor output is switched off (high impedance) after a too high temperature has been detected by the sensor (typ.180C). It is switched on again after the chip temperature has reached a normal level. A build in hysteresis avoids oscillation of the output (typ. 25C) 2.5. Detection of Signal Path Errors HAL 2850 can detect the following overflows within the signal path: - A positive overflow of the A/D converter, a positive overflow within the calculation of the low pass filter or the temperature compensation will set the PWM output to maximum duty cycle - A negative overflow of the A/D converter, a negative overflow within the calculation of the low pass filter or the temperature compensation will set the PWM output to minimum duty cycle - A positive or negative overflow of the A/D converter of the temperature sensor or a positive/negative overflow within the calculation of the calibrated temperature value sets the PWM output to minimumduty-cycle Micronas Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN 11 HAL 2850 DATA SHEET 3. Specifications 3.1. Outline Dimensions Fig. 3-1: TO92UT-2 Plastic Transistor Standard UT package, 3 leads Weight approximately 0.12 g 12 Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN Micronas HAL 2850 DATA SHEET Fig. 3-2: TO92UT-1 Plastic Transistor Standard UT package, 3 Micronas leads, spread Weight approximately 0.12 g Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN 13 HAL 2850 DATA SHEET Fig. 3-3: TO92UT-2: Dimensions ammopack inline, not spread 14 Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN Micronas HAL 2850 DATA SHEET Fig. 3-4: TO92UT-1: Dimensions ammopack inline, spread Micronas Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN 15 HAL 2850 DATA SHEET 3.2. Dimensions of Sensitive Area 0.213 mm x 0.213 mm 3.3. Positions of Sensitive Area TO92UT-1/-2 A4 0.4 mm Bd 0.3 mm D1 4.05 0.05 mm H1 min. 22.0 mm, max. 24.1 mm y 1.55 mm nominal 3.4. Absolute Maximum Ratings Stresses beyond those listed in the "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only. Functional operation of the device at these conditions is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods will affect device reliability. This device contains circuitry to protect the inputs and outputs against damage due to high static voltages or electric fields; however, it is advised that normal precautions be taken to avoid application of any voltage higher than absolute maximum-rated voltages to this high-impedance circuit. All voltages listed are referenced to ground (GND). Symbol Parameter Pin Name Min. Max. Unit Comment TJ Junction Operating Temperature 40 1901) C not additive VSUP Supply Voltage VSUP 18 26.5 2) 40 3) V V not additive not additive VDIO IO Voltage DIO 0.5 26.5 2) V not additive Bmax Magnetic field unlimited T VESD ESD Protection VSUP, DIO 8.04) 8.04) kV 1) for 96h. Please contact Micronas for other 2) t < 5 min. 3) t < 5 x 500 ms 4) AEC-Q100-002 (100 pF and 1.5 k) temperature requirements 3.4.1. Storage and Shelf Life The permissible storage time (shelf life) of the sensors is unlimited, provided the sensors are stored at a maximum of 30 C and a maximum of 85% relative humidity. At these conditions, no Dry Pack is required. Solderability is guaranteed for one year from the date code on the package. 16 Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN Micronas HAL 2850 DATA SHEET 3.5. Recommended Operating Conditions Functional operation of the device beyond those indicated in the "Recommended Operating Conditions/Characteristics" is not implied and may result in unpredictable behavior, reduce reliability and lifetime of the device. All voltages listed are referenced to ground (GND). Symbol Parameter Pin Name Min. Max. Unit VSUP Supply Voltage VSUP 4.5 17 V VDIO Output Voltage DIO 0 18 V IOUT Continuous Output Current DIO 20 mA for VDIO = 0.6 V VPull-Up Pull-Up Voltage DIO 3.0 18 V In typical applications VPull-Up, max = 5.5 V RPull-Up Pull-Up Resistor DIO (see Section 6.4. on page 30) CL Load Capacitance DIO 180 (see Section 6 .4. on page 30) pF NPRG Number of EEPROM Programming Cycles 100 cycles 0 C < Tamb < 55 C TJ Junction Operating Temperature1) 40 40 40 125 150 170 C C C for 8000h (not additive) for 2000h (not additive) < 1000h (not additive) 1) Remarks Depends on the temperature profile of the application. Please contact Micronas for life time calculations. Micronas Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN 17 HAL 2850 DATA SHEET 3.6. Electrical Characteristics at TJ = 40 C to +170 C (for temperature type A), VSUP = 4.5 V to 17 V, GND = 0 V, at Recommended Operation Conditions if not otherwise specified in the column Conditions. Typical Characteristics for TJ = 25 C and VSUP = 5 V. For all other temperature ranges this table is also valid, but only in the junction temperature range defined by the temperature grade (Example: For K-Type this table is limited to TJ = 40 C to +140 C). Symbol Parameter Pin Name Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions ISUP Supply Current VSUP 12 19 mA IDIOH Output Leakage Current DIO 10 A DIO 0.6 V 0.2 IOL = 5 mA 0.09 IOL = 2.2 mA 32 Digital I/O (DIO) Pin VOL TPERIOD Output Low Voltage PWM Period DIO 0.5 ms IOL = 20 mA Customer programmable (see Table on page 24) 1) DUTYRange V/tfall V/ trise_max tstartup 18 Available Duty-Cycle Range DIO 0.78 99.22 % Min. and max. values depend on MDC register setting. Output Resolution DIO 16 bit Depending on selected PWM period and slew rate Falling Edge Slew Rate DIO 1.4 2 2.6 V/s SLEW = 2 Measured between 70% and 30%, VPull-Up = 5 V, RPull-UP = 1 k, CL = 470 nF 4.9 7 10.4 SLEW = 1 Measured between 70% and 30%, VPull-Up = 5 V, RPull-UP = 510 , CL = 220 pF 25 SLEW = 0 Measured between 30% and 70%, VPull-Up = 5 V, RPull-UP = 510 , CL = 220 pF 1.4 2 2.6 3.8 7 10.4 SLEW = 1 Measured between 30% and 70%, VPull-Up = 5 V, RPull-UP=510 , CL=220 pF 25 SLEW = 0 Measured between 30% and 70%, VPull-Up = 5 V, RPull-UP=510 , CL=220 pF Max. Rising Edge Slew Rate Power-Up Time (time to reach stabilized output duty cycle DIO DIO Depends on customer programming. Please see (see Table 4-1 on page 23) Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN V/s SLEW = 2 Measured between 30% and 70%, VPull-Up = 5 V, RPull-UP = 1 k, CL = 470 nF ms Micronas HAL 2850 DATA SHEET Symbol Parameter Pin Name Min. Typ. Max. Unit fOSC16 Internal Frequency of 16 MHz Oscillator 16 MHz VSUPon Power-On Reset Level VSUP 3.7 4.15 4.45 V VSUPonHyst Power-On Reset Level Hysteresis VSUP 0.1 V VSUPOV Supply Over Voltage Reset Level VSUP 17 19.5 21 V VSUPOVHyst Supply Over Voltage Reset Level Hysteresis VSUP 0.4 V Outnoise Output noise (rms) DIO 1 2 LSB12 Conditions B = 0 mT, 100 mT range, 0.5 ms PWM period, TJ = 25 C 3.7. Magnetic Characteristics at TJ = 40 C to +170 C (for temperature type A), VSUP = 4.5 V to 17 V, GND = 0 V, at Recommended Operation Conditions if not otherwise specified in the column Conditions. Typical Characteristics for TJ = 25 C and VSUP = 5 V. For all other temperature ranges this table is also valid, but only in the junction temperature range defined by the temperature grade (Example: For K-Type this table is limited to TJ = 40 C to +140 C). Symbol Parameter Pin Name Min. Typ. Max. Unit RANGEABS Absolute Magnetic Range of A/D Converter 60 100 110 % Full Scale Non-Linearity DIO INL Conditions % of nominal RANGE Nominal RANGE programmable from 20 mT up to 160 mT 0.4 0 0.4 0.25 0 0.25 % of full-scale RANGE = 1 (40 mT) 0.15 0 0.15 % of full-scale RANGE >= 2 (>= 60 mT) % % of full-scale RANGE = 0 (20 mT) ES Sensitivity Error over Junction Temperature Range DIO 3 0 3 % (see Section 3.8.1.) BOFFSET Magnetic Offset DIO 0.4 0 0.4 mT B = 0 mT, TA = 25 C RANGE 80 mT BOFFSET Magnetic Offset Drift over DIO Temperature Range BOFFSET(T) BOFFSET(25 C) 5 0 5 T/C B = 0 mT RANGE 80 mT Micronas Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN 19 HAL 2850 DATA SHEET 3.8. Thermal Characteristics at Recommended Operating Conditions if not otherwise specified in the column "Conditions", TJ = 40 C to +170 C, VSUP = 4.5 V to 17 V. Symbol Parameter Pin Name Min. Typ. Max. Unit Conditions TO92UT Package Thermal resistance Rthja Junction to Ambient 235 K/W measured on 1s0p board Rthjc Junction to Case 61 K/W measured on 1s0p board Rthjs Junction to Solder Point 128 K/W measured on 1s1p board 3.8.1. Definition of Sensitivity Error ES ES is the maximum of the absolute value of 1 minus the quotient of the normalized measured value1) over the normalized ideal linear2) value: ES = max abs meas ------------ - 1 ideal TJmin, TJmax In the example shown in Fig. 3-5 on page 21 the maximum error occurs at 10 C: ES = 1.001 ------------- - 1 = 0.8% 0.993 1) normalized to achieve a least-square-fit straight-line that has a value of 1 at 25 C 2) normalized to achieve a value of 1 at 25 C 20 Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN Micronas HAL 2850 DATA SHEET ideal 200 ppm/k 1.03 relative sensitivity related to 25 C value least-square-fit straight-line of normalized measured data measurement example of real sensor, normalized to achieve a value of 1 of its least-square-fit straight-line at 25 C 1.02 1.01 1.001 1.00 0.993 0.99 0.98 -50 -25 -10 0 25 50 75 100 125 junction temperature [C] 150 175 Fig. 3-5: Definition of sensitivity error (ES) Micronas Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN 21 HAL 2850 DATA SHEET The HAL 2850 transmits the magnetic field information by sending a PWM signal. The native PWM periods can be set by the EEPROM bit field PERIOD. Native PWM periods are 0.512 ms, 1.024 ms,, 16.384 ms and 32.768 ms (see Table on page 24). A pulse width modulated (PWM) signal consists of successive square wave pulses. The information is coded in the ratio between high time "thigh" and low time "tlow". The EEPROM field PERIOD_ADJ can be used to trim the PWM period in small steps. This feature enables variable PWM periods in between the natural periods (see Table on page 24). 4. The PWM Module t high duty cycle = --------------t period Table 4-1 describes the PWM interface timing. After reset, the output is recessive high. The transmission starts after the first valid Hall value has been calculated. In case of an overcurrent in the DIO output, the transmit transistor is switched off (high impedance). The transistor is re-enabled before transmitting a new pulse. The first PWM period after a reset or an overcurrent condition cannot be captured due to no edge at the beginning of the transmission. The output polarity can be configured by the flag OP in the EEPROM. According to the OP value, a PWM period starts either with a high pulse (OP = 0) or with a low pulse (OP = 1). Please note that if OP is set to 1, the output is recessive high until the output has been enabled (tOE has been elapsed). After the output has been enabled, it remains low until the transition within the first period (see Fig. 4-2). The slew rate can be configured by the bits SR in the EEPROM. See Table 4-1 for selectable slew rates. Note: Please consider at which edge a new period starts. When OP is set to zero, a new period starts with the rising edge and the period must be captured by triggering the rising edge. The PWM signal can be configured by the EEPROM bits PERIOD, PERIOD_ADJ (Trimming of native PWM periods), MDC (minimum/maximum duty cycle), SR (slew rate) and OP (output polarity) (see Section 4.1. on page 24). VSUP tstartup DIO tlow thigh tperiod tlow thigh tperiod Fig. 4-1: PWM interface startup timing 22 Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN Micronas HAL 2850 DATA SHEET VSUP tstartup DIO tOE thigh tlow thigh tlow tperiod tperiod Fig. 4-2: PWM interface startup timing for inverted output Table 4-1: PWM interface timing Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Remark tstartup Startup Time1) 8 9 10 10 20 40 80 ms ms ms ms ms ms ms Period = 0.5 ms Period = 1 ms Period = 2 ms Period = 4 ms Period = 8 ms Period = 16 ms Period = 32 ms tOE Output Enable Time 60 1502) s PWMJitter PWM Period Sample to Sample Jitter (RMS) 30 60 ns Period = 0.5 ms DUTYJitter PWM Duty Cycle Sample to Sample Jitter (RMS) 63 125 ns Period = 0.5, 100 mT RANGE, B = 0 mT, including noise tperiod PWM Period see Fig. 4-1 and Fig. 4-2 DUTY PWM High Duty Cycle thigh / tperiod PWM period is customer programmable % 1) Values are only valid for deactivated power-on self test. Activated power-on self test will lead to an offset of 10 or 32 ms depending of the comprehensiveness of the selected power-on self test. 2) 10 ms must be added when power-on self test is active Micronas Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN 23 HAL 2850 DATA SHEET 4.1. Programmable PWM Parameter PWM Periods Table 4-2: Supported native PWM periods PWM Period Sample Frequency Typ. PERIOD Bit No. [4:2] [1] [0] [ms] [Hz] 0.512 1953 0 0 0 1.024 977 0 0 1 2.048 488 0 1 1 4.096 244 1 1 1 8.192 122 2 1 1 16.384 61 3 1 1 32.768 31 4 1 1 [LSB] max. Period, PERIOD_ADJ = 0 PWM period [s] [ms] C0 for full magnetic range, MDC=0 [LSB] min. Period, PERIOD_ADJ = 255 magnetic range for C0 = 1, MDC=0 PWM period [%] [ms] resolution Period steps resolution EEPROM.PERIOD Table 4-3: Supported intermediate PWM period C0 for full magnetic range, MDC=0 [LSB] magnetic range for C0 = 1, MDC=0 [%] 0 1 0.512 12 0.9375 93.75 0.257 11 0.4395 43.95 1 2 1.024 13 0.9688 96.88 0.514 12 0.4707 47.07 3 4 2.048 14 0.9844 98.44 1.028 13 0.4863 48.63 7 8 4.096 15 0.9922 99.22 2.056 14 0.4941 49.41 11 16 8.192 16 0.9961 99.61 4.112 15 0.4980 49.80 15 32 16.384 16 0.9961 99.61 8.224 15 0.4980 49.80 19 64 32.768 16 0.9961 99.61 16.448 15 0.4980 49.80 Note: When the period is trimmed with the PERIOD_ADJ register, then either the measurable magnetic range is reduced or the resolution is reduced. The PWM period is faster than the sample rate when PERIOD_ADJ is greater than 0. Aliasing may occur due to double transmitted samples. 24 Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN Micronas HAL 2850 DATA SHEET Minimum Duty Cycle The minimum and maximum duty cycle is symmetrical to 50% duty cycle. The MDC register acts on the minimum and maximum duty cycle. The minimum and maximum duty cycle depend on the output slew rates and the PWM period (see Table 4-4). The minimum/maximum duty cycle can be calculated with the following equations: PWMPER16 PWMMIN = 216 (PERIOD_ADJ x 27) = (1 + MDC) x 29 PWMMAX PWMPERIOD = PWMPER16 PWMMIN = trunc(PWMPER16 / 2(16-R)) Definition: R: PWMMIN: PWMMAX: PWMPERIOD: PWMPER16: MDC: PERIOD_ADJ: PWM resolution in LSB (see Table ) minimum high time in LSB maximum low time in LSB PWM period in LSB PWM period in LSB for 16 bit resolution EEPROM value for adjusting min./max. duty cycle EEPROM value for adjusting the period The measured high duty cycle (DUTY) may differ from the internal high duty cycle (DUTYi) due of internal delays within the output logic, a difference between the rising and falling slope time, the threshold voltage of the external receiver; and other effects. Setting the clamping levels reduces the measurable magnetic range (C0 = 1). The full magnetic range can be used in case the slope coefficient C0 is used for compressing the range of HVAL. Micronas Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN 25 HAL 2850 DATA SHEET C0 = Ctarget/Cmeasured Two options are available: 1. Use full magnetic range with a reduced resolution or Ctarget: Target output sensitivity CmeasuredMeasured output sensitivity for default settings Example: Ctarget = 40% / 60 mT Cmeasured = 30% / 60 mT C0 = 0.667%/mT / 0.5%/mT = 1.334 2. full resolution with a reduced magnetic range. The full magnetic range can be addressed by using the equations below. Table 4-4: PWM period (PERIOD), slew rate (SR) and minimum duty cycle (MDC) Period Slew Rate VPULL-UP PWMmin @ R min. Duty Cycle Rec. Limit typ. typ. max. min. (MDC=0) max. (MDC=31) min. max. min. duty cycle MDC [s] [V/s] [V] [LSB] [LSB] [%] [%] [%] [LSB] 512 infinite (> 25) 18 32 1024 0.78 25 0.78 1) 0 8 7 3.13 3 2 7 3.13 3 infinite (> 25) 18 0.78 1) 0 8 7 1.56 1 2 7 1.56 1 infinite (> 25) 18 8 7 2 7 infinite (> 25) 18 8 7 2 7 infinite (> 25) 18 8 7 2 7 infinite (> 25) 18 8 7 2 7 infinite (> 25) 18 8 7 2 7 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 32768 1) 26 64 2048 128 4096 0.78 0 256 8192 0.78 0 512 16384 0.78 0 512 16384 0.78 0 512 16384 0.78 0 An overcurrent may not be detected. Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN Micronas HAL 2850 DATA SHEET 5. Programming of the Sensor tbbit HAL 2850 features two different customer modes. In Application Mode the sensor is providing a continuos PWM signal transmitting temperature compensated magnetic field values. In Programming Mode it is possible to change the register settings of the sensor. tbbit or logical 0 After power-up the sensor is always operating in the Application Mode. It is switched to the Programming Mode by a defined sequence on the sensor output pin. tbbit tbbit or 5.1. Programming Interface logical 1 In Programming Mode the sensor is addressed by modulating a serial telegram (BiPhase-M) with constant bit time on the output pin. The sensor answers with a modulation of the output voltage. tbhb tbhb tbhb tbhb Fig. 5-1: Definition of logical 0 and 1 bit A logical "0" of the serial telegram is coded as no level change within the bit time. A logical "1" is coded as a level change of typically 50% of the bit time. After each bit, a level change occurs (see Table 5-1). A description of the communication protocol and the programming of the sensor is available in a separate document (Application Note Programming HAL 2850). The serial telegram is used to transmit the EEPROM content, error codes and digital values of the magnetic field or temperature from and to the sensor. Table 5-1: Biphase-M frame characteristics of the host Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit tbbit (host) Biphase Bit Time 970 1024 1075 s tbhb (host) Biphase Half Bit Time 0.45 0.5 0.55 tbbit (host) tbifsp (host) Biphase Interframe Space 3 tbbit (host) VOUTL Voltage for Low Level 5.8 6.3 6.6 V VOUTH Voltage for High Level 6.8 7.3 7.8 V VSUPPRG Supply Voltage During Programming 5.6 6.5 V Remark Table 5-2: Biphase-M frame characteristics of the sensor Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit tbbit (sensor) Biphase Bit Time 820 1024 1225 s tbhb (sensor) Biphase Half Bit Time 0.5 tbbit (sensor) tbresp Biphase Response Time 1 5 tbbit (sensor) Slew Rate Micronas 2 Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN Remark V/s 27 HAL 2850 DATA SHEET 5.2. Programming Environment and Tools For the programming of HAL 2850 during product development and also for production purposes a programming tool including hardware and software is available on request. It is recommended to use the Micronas tool kit in order to easy the product development. The details of programming sequences are also available on request. 5.3. Programming Information For production and qualification tests, it is mandatory to set the LOCK bit after final adjustment and programming of HAL 2850. The LOCK function is active after the next power-up of the sensor. The success of the LOCK process should be checked by reading the status of the LOCK bit after locking and/ or by an analog check of the sensors output signal. Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) may disturb the programming pulses. Please take precautions against ESD and check the sensors error flags. 28 Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN Micronas HAL 2850 DATA SHEET 6. Application Note 6.2. EMC and ESD 6.1. Ambient Temperature For applications that cause disturbances on the supply line or radiated disturbances, a series resistor and a capacitor are recommended. The series resistor and the capacitor should be placed as closely as possible to the Hall sensor. Due to the internal power dissipation, the temperature on the silicon chip (junction temperature TJ) is higher than the temperature outside the package (ambient temperature TA). Please contact Micronas for detailed investigation reports with EMC and ESD results. T J = T A + T 6.3. Output Description At static conditions and continuous operation, the following equation applies: 6.3.1. How to Measure PWM Output Signal The HAL 2850 codes the magnetic field information in the duty cycle of a PWM signal. The duty cycle is defined as the ratio between the high time "thigh" and the period "tperiod" of the PWM signal (see Fig. 6-1). T = I SUP V SUP R thJX + I DIO V DIO R thJX For typical values, use the typical parameters. For worst case calculation, use the max. parameters for ISUP and Rth, and the max. value for VSUP from the application. The choice of the relevant RthJX-parameter (Rthja, Rthjc, or Rthjs) depends on the way the device is (thermally) coupled to its application environment. Note: Please consider at which edge a new period starts. When OP is set to zero, a new period starts with the rising edge and the period must be captured by triggering the rising edge. For the HAL 2850 the junction temperature TJ is specified. The maximum ambient temperature TAmax can be calculated as: T Amax = T Jmax - T VSUP tstartup DIO tlow thigh tperiod tlow thigh tperiod Fig. 6-1: Definition of PWM signal Micronas Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN 29 HAL 2850 DATA SHEET 6.4. Application Circuit Cwire: Capacity of the wire CINPUT: Input capacitance of the ECU Micronas recommends the following two application circuits for the HAL 2850. The first circuit is recommended when the sensor is powered with 5 V supply (see Fig. 6-2). The second circuit should be used for applications connected directly to the car's battery with a pull-up to a 5 V line (see Fig. 6-3 on page 31). To avoid noise on the controller input pin, it is recommended to use only these two circuits. Vpull-up (max.): max. applied pull-up voltage, must be lower than the value specified in Section 3.5. on page 17 VDIOL (max.): max. DIO low voltage, it is recommended to use the value specified in Section 3.6. on page 18 IDIO: DIO current at VDIOL (max.) V/trise: selected rising edge slew rate, the max. value specified in Section 3.6. must be used V/tfall: selected falling edge slew rate, the max. value specified in Section 3.6. must be used Values of external components CVSUP = 47 nF CDIO = 180 pF Example for Calculating RL and CL (max.) The maximum load capacitor and minimum resistor is given by the following equation: CL RL = CDIO + Cwire + CINPUT = Rpull-up RL (min.) = ( Vpull-up (max.) VDIOL (max.) ) / (IDIO (CL x (V/tfall) CL (max.) = 0.4 Vpull-up (min.) / ( RL (V/trise)) Rpull-up: Pull-up resistor between DIO and Vpull-up CVSUP: Capacitance between the VSUP pin and GND CDIO: EMC protection capacitance on the DIO pin HAL2850 The application operates at following conditions: slew rate = 8 V/s (typ.) Vpull-up = 5.5 V (max.) CL = 400 pF Calculation: RL (min.) = ( 5.5 V 0.8 V ) / (20 mA pF x 10.4 V/ s) = 297 RL = 330 CL (max.) = 400 pF <= 0.4 4.5 V / ( 330 10.4 V/s ) = 524 pF => The used CL is below the limit. ECU VBAT = Vpull-up (typ. 5 V) VSUP CVSUP GND GND CDIO Cwire Rpull-up CINPUT INPUT DIO Fig. 6-2: Application circuit for 5 V supply 30 Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN Micronas HAL 2850 DATA SHEET HAL2850 ECU VBAT = 12 V (typ.) VSUP Vpull-up = 5 V (typ.) CVSUP GND GND CDIO Cwire Rpull-up CINPUT INPUT DIO Fig. 6-3: Application circuit for battery and 5 V pull-up voltage Note: The external components needed to protect against EMC and ESD may differ from the application circuit shown and have to be determined according to the needs of the application specific environment. Micronas Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN 31 HAL 2850 DATA SHEET 7. Data Sheet History 1. Advance Information: "HAL 2850 Linear Hall-Effect Sensor with PWM Output", Dec. 5, 2008, AI000144_001EN. First release of the advance information. 2. Advance Information: "HAL 2850 Linear Hall-Effect Sensor with PWM Output", March 24, 2010, AI000144_002EN. Second release of the advance information. Major changes: - Electrical characteristics - Signal path width 3. Advance Information: "HAL 2850 Linear Hall-Effect Sensor with PWM Output", July 9, 2010, AI000144_003EN. Third release of the advance information. Major changes: - Electrical and Magnetic Characteristics 4. Data Sheet: "HAL 2850 Linear Hall-Effect Sensor with PWM Output", Aug 9, 2011, DSH000160_001EN. First release of the data sheet. Major changes: - Power-on Self Test (POST) details - Error detection and behavior - TO92UT package drawings - Electrical and magnetic characteristics Micronas GmbH Hans-Bunte-Strasse 19 D-79108 Freiburg P.O. Box 840 D-79008 Freiburg, Germany Tel. +49-761-517-0 Fax +49-761-517-2174 E-mail: docservice@micronas.com Internet: www.micronas.com 32 Aug 9, 2011; DSH000160_001EN Micronas