Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/28 Thru /33 Micro-D CBS Condensed Straight PCB Terminated Connectors A Space-Saving -- These connectors take up less room on the PC board. PC tail spacing is .075 inch (1.9mm) between rows. B Threaded Inserts -- Stainless steel inserts are insert molded into plastic trays. These inserts provide a ground path from the PC board to the mating cable. Solder-Dipped -- Terminals are coated with Sn60/Pb40 tin-lead solder for best solderability. C D E F G H J How To Order Straight PCB Micro-D Connectors Base Part Number Slash NumberShell Sizes PC Tail Length Shell Finish Hardware Options K L M83513/ Sample Part Number M83513/ Plug (Pin Contacts) 28-A - 9 Contacts 28-B - 15 Contacts 28-C - 21 Contacts 28-D - 25 Contacts 28-E - 31 Contacts 28-F - 37 Contacts 29-G - 51 Contacts 30-H - 100 Contacts 33-H 01 C P Receptacle (Socket Contacts) 31-A - 9 Contacts 31-E - 31 Contacts 31-B - 15 Contacts 31-F - 37 Contacts 31-C - 21 Contacts 32-G - 51 Contacts 31-D - 25 Contacts 33-H - 100 Contacts (See Table II) 01 - .109 Inch (2.77 mm) 02 - .140 Inch (3.56 mm) 03 - .172 Inch (4.37 mm) PC Tail Length .015 (0.38) C - Cadmium A - Electrodeposited Aluminum N - Electroless Nickel K - Zinc Nickel P - Passivated SST T - Nickel Fluorocarbon Polymer N - No Jackpost P - Jackposts Installed Sizes 9-51 Shell Size 100 (H) T - Threaded Insert in Board Mount Hole (No Jackposts) U - #4-40 Threaded Insert W - Threaded Insert in Board Mount Hole and Jackposts Installed Y - #4-40 Threaded Insert & Jackpost (See Table I) Table I: Hardware Options HARDWARE OPTION N NO JACKPOST, NO THREADED INSERT M HARDWARE OPTIONS T or U HARDWARE OPTION P HARDWARE OPTIONS W or Y JACKPOST AND THRU-HOLE THREADED INSERT, NO POST JACKPOST AND THREADED INSERT N P Q PC BOARD .160 (4.1) MIN. (9-51 PINS) .225 (5.7) MIN. (100 PIN) MTNG HOLE DIA. INDEX 9-51 CONTACTS .096/.088 (2.44/2.24) 100 CONTACTS .150/.145 (3.81/3.68) (c) 2013 Glenair, Inc. THREAD SIZE 9-51 CONTACTS # 2-56 UNC-2B 100 CONTACTS # 4-40 UNC-2B THREAD SIZE 9-51 CONTACTS # 2-56 UNC 100 CONTACTS # 4-40 UNC USE WITH .156 (3.96) MAX. PC BOARD THICKNESS High Performance Micro-D Connectors and Cables THREAD SIZE 9-51 CONTACTS #2-56 UNC 100 CONTACTS #4-40 UNC U.S. CAGE Code 06324 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. * 1211 AIR WAY * GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 * 818-247-6000 * FAX 818-500-9912 www.glenair.com L-22 E-Mail: sales@glenair.com Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/28 Thru /33 Micro-D CBS Condensed Straight PCB Terminated Connectors Table III: Dimensions A .015 (.38) Min. A C E B TAIL LENGTH .015 (0.38) B G .093 D F A Max. Layout 9P 9S 15P 15S 21P 21S 25P 25S 31P 31S 37P 37S 51P 51S 100P 100S C MAX B In. mm. .785 .785 .935 .935 1.085 1.085 1.185 1.185 1.335 1.335 1.485 1.485 1.435 1.435 2.170 2.170 19.94 19.94 23.75 23.75 27.56 27.56 30.01 30.01 33.91 33.91 37.72 37.72 36.45 36.45 55.12 55.12 O .020 (0.51) .002 (0.05) C Max. D Max. E Max. .005 In . mm. 0.13 In . mm. In . mm. In . mm. .565 .565 .715 .715 .865 .865 .965 .965 1.115 1.115 1.265 1.265 1.215 1.215 1.800 1.800 14.35 14.35 18.16 18.16 21.97 21.97 24.51 24.51 28.32 28.32 32.13 32.13 30.86 30.86 45.72 45.72 .333 .400 .483 .551 .633 .701 .733 .801 .883 .951 1.033 1.101 .983 1.051 1.383 1.451 8.46 10.16 12.27 14.00 16.08 17.81 18.62 20.35 22.43 24.16 26.24 27.96 24.97 26.70 35.13 36.86 .185 .253 .185 .253 .185 .253 .185 .253 .185 .253 .185 .253 .228 .296 .271 .333 4.70 6.43 4.70 6.43 4.70 6.43 4.70 6.43 4.70 6.43 4.70 6.43 5.79 7.52 6.88 8.46 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .310 .400 .400 .510 .510 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 7.87 10.16 10.16 12.95 12.95 F G Max. .003 In . mm. 0.08 In . mm. .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 .183 .195 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 4.65 4.95 .355 .355 .355 .355 .355 .355 .355 .355 .355 .355 .355 .355 .355 .355 .430 .430 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 9.02 10.92 10.92 C D E F G H J K L M N P INDEX Q (c) 2013 Glenair, Inc. High Performance Micro-D Connectors and Cables U.S. CAGE Code 06324 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. * 1211 AIR WAY * GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 * 818-247-6000 * FAX 818-500-9912 www.glenair.com L-23 E-Mail: sales@glenair.com Rev. 07.12.18 Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/28 Thru /33 Micro-D CBS Condensed Straight PCB Terminated Connectors M83513/28 Thru 30 PCB Layouts - Pin Connectors A B C D Patterns shown are for connector mounting side of PC board. .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP F G H J K L 8 P Q .075 (1.91) .183(4.65) TYP 15 13 11 9 8 6 4 2 .225(5.72) 1 3 4 2 .200 (5.08) .565 (14.35) 10 12 14 6 7 5 .038 (0.96) REF .096 (2.44) DIA TYP 7 .038 (0.96) REF 5 Connector Orientation .225 (5.72) 1 3 .350(8.89) REF .715 (18.16) 9 PIN M83513/28-A .096 (2.44) DIA TYP 15 PIN M83513/28-B Pin #1 .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP .075 (1.91) 18 20 11 .038 (0.96) REF 9 10 7 8 12 14 16 17 19 21 15 13 4 6 .500 (12.7) REF 24 .225 (5.72) 1 3 5 .075 (1.91) 12 .096 (2.44) DIA TYP 10 30 16 .038 (0.96) REF 27 13 11 22 24 25 23 8 10 12 14 15 26 28 29 9 18 20 .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP 6 7 4 5 .225 (5.72) 17 19 21 2 1 3 .096 (2.44) DIA TYP .750(19.05) REF 1.115 (28.32) .038 (0.96) REF 6 4 2 .096 (2.44) DIA TYP 34 33 35 19 17 18 32 15 16 30 31 13 14 9 11 12 27 29 10 24 26 28 8 20 21 3 5 7 .900(22.86) REF 1.265 (32.13) 22 23 25 4 6 .225 (5.72) 1 2 .096 (2.44) DIA TYP 37 PIN M83513/28-F 1.800 (45.72) .075 (1.91) TYP .0375 (0.95) TYP .096 (2.44) DIA TYP .075 (1.91) 99 97 96 94 93 91 90 88 87 85 84 82 81 79 78 76 51 49 46 44 42 41 39 38 37 36 100 74 73 71 70 68 67 65 64 62 61 59 58 56 55 53 52 35 33 31 30 29 27 26 24 23 20 1 34 32 14 12 28 9 8 18 17 16 15 13 11 10 7 .750 (19.05) 1.215 (30.86) 6 4 5 .1875 (4.76) 75 98 72 95 69 92 66 89 63 86 60 83 57 80 54 77 50 48 47 45 43 25 40 22 21 19 51 49 48 46 45 43 42 40 39 37 36 34 33 31 30 28 27 2 26 50 23 47 20 44 17 41 14 38 11 35 8 3 .125 (3.18) DIA TYP INDEX 51 PIN M83513/29-G (c) 2013 Glenair, Inc. 8 .600(15.24) REF .225 (5.72) 1 3 5 .075 (1.91) 36 37 31 PIN M83513/28-E .2325 (5.91) TYP 7 14 15 25 PIN M83513/28-D .075 (1.91) 31 16 17 19 .965 (24.5) 21 PIN M83513/28-C .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP 18 20 21 9 11 13 .038 (0.96) REF 2 22 23 25 .865 M N .075 (1.91) 9 E .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP High Performance Micro-D Connectors and Cables 25 24 22 21 19 18 16 15 13 12 10 9 .0375 (0.95) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP 32 5 7 6 29 2 4 3 1 .075 (1.91) .2812 (7.14) 100 PIN M83513/30-H U.S. CAGE Code 06324 Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. * 1211 AIR WAY * GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 * 818-247-6000 * FAX 818-500-9912 www.glenair.com L-24 E-Mail: sales@glenair.com Micro-D MIL-DTL-83513 MIL-DTL-83513/28 Thru /33 Micro-D CBS Condensed Straight PCB Terminated Connectors MM83513/31 Thru /33 PCB Layouts - Socket Connectors A Patterns shown are for connector mounting side of PC board. .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP .075 (1.91) 7 10 .225(5.72) 5 3 2 9 .096 (2.44) DIA TYP Socket #1 .075 (1.91) 15 13 1 .038 (0.96) REF 2 18 5 3 19 17 16 14 4 7 6 21 20 9 11 8 .500 (12.7) REF .038 (0.96) REF 2 .038 (0.96) REF 6 4 8 12 10 14 .750(19.05) REF 1.115 (28.32) .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP 19 23 21 4 6 8 .600(15.24) REF G 25 10 .225 (5.72) 12 .096 (2.44) DIA TYP .096 (2.44) DIA TYP .038 (0.96) REF K 21 1 2 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 3 9 7 11 13 15 17 19 5 4 6 8 10 12 .900(22.86) REF 1.265 (32.13) 14 16 .225 (5.72) 18 .096 (2.44) DIA TYP 37 SOCKET M83513/31-F .096 (2.44) DIA TYP 77 79 80 82 83 85 86 88 89 91 92 94 95 97 98 100 52 78 55 81 58 84 61 87 64 90 67 93 70 96 73 99 76 53 54 56 57 59 60 62 63 65 66 68 69 71 72 74 75 36 37 39 40 42 44 45 47 48 50 20 38 23 41 43 28 46 31 49 51 19 21 22 24 26 27 29 30 32 34 35 4 2 1 3 6 5 25 9 7 11 12 14 33 17 8 10 13 15 16 18 .750 (19.05) 1.215 (30.86) .125 (3.18) DIA TYP 51 SOCKET M83513/32-G High Performance Micro-D Connectors and Cables .1875 (4.76) 27 29 30 32 33 35 36 38 39 41 42 44 45 47 48 50 51 1 28 4 31 7 34 10 37 13 40 16 43 19 46 22 49 25 2 3 5 6 8 9 11 12 14 15 17 18 20 21 23 24 26 .0375 (0.95) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .075 (1.91) .2812 (7.14) 100 Socket M83513/33-H U.S. CAGE Code 06324 L M N 1.800 (45.72) .075 (1.91) H J .075 (1.91) 20 .075 (1.91) TYP .0375 (0.95) TYP (c) 2013 Glenair, Inc. F 25 SOCKET M83513/31-D 31 SOCKET M83513/31-E .2325 (5.91) TYP E .965 (24.5) .225 (5.72) 16 D .096 (2.44) DIA TYP 16 18 20 22 24 11 13 3 7 9 5 2 .096 (2.44) DIA TYP 20 22 24 26 28 30 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 3 5 11 13 15 9 7 17 15 1 .075 (1.91) 18 8 .075 (1.91) 14 21 SOCKET M83513/31-C 17 1 .225 (5.72) 15 SOCKET M83513/31-B .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP .865 .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP 6 .350(8.89) REF .715 (18.16) .225 (5.72) 10 4 C 14 13 15 5 7 3 2 .038 (0.96) REF Connector Orientation 9 SOCKET M83513/31-A .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP .183(4.65) TYP 11 1 4 .200 (5.08) .565 (14.35) 12 12 P Q INDEX .038 (0.96) REF .075 (1.91) .183(4.65) TYP 9 8 6 1 B .100 (2.54) TYP .075 (1.91) TYP .050 (1.27) TYP .025 (0.64) TYP Printed in U.S.A. GLENAIR, INC. * 1211 AIR WAY * GLENDALE, CA 91201-2497 * 818-247-6000 * FAX 818-500-9912 www.glenair.com L-25 E-Mail: sales@glenair.com