EURO QUARTZ HPF14 LVPECL OSCILLATORS 14 pin Dual-in-Line DESCRIPTION HPF14 series LVPECL output oscillators cover the frequency range 38MHz to 640MHz. The part contains a high 'Q' fundamental crystal and utilizes a low jitter multiplier circuit. SPECIFICATION Frequency Range: Output Logic Phase Noise: Frequency Stability: Operating Temp Range Commercial: Industrial: Input Voltage: Output Voltage High '1': Low '0': 38.0MHz to 640.0MHz LVPECL See table See table -10 to +70C -40 to +85C +2.5V or +3.3VDC 5% Vdd -1.025V min. Vdd -1.620V max. (RL = 50W to Vdd -2.0V) Rise/Fall Times: 0.7ns typical (20% Vdd to 80% Vdd) Current Consumption (15pF load): 38MHz to 100MHz: 65mA max. 100.01 to 320MHz: 80mA max. 320.01 to 640MHz: 90mA max. Load: 50W into Vdd-2.0V Start-up Time: 5ms typ., 10ms max. Duty Cycle: 50%5% (at Vdd -1.3V) Input Static Discharge Prot: 2kV min. Storage Temperature Range: -55C to +150C Ageing: 3ppm per year max., 2ppm thereafter. At T amb +25C Enable/Disable No connection: Both outputs enabled Disable: Both outputs are disabled when control pad is taken below 0.3V referenced to ground. Oscillator is always 'on'. (Special request oscillator is off when disabled.) Enable: Both Outputs are enabled when control pad is taken above 0.7 Vcc referenced to ground. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Permanent damage may be caused if operated beyond these limits.) Supply Voltage Vdd: +4.6V max. Input Voltage Vi: Vss -0.5 min., VDD +0.5V max. Input Voltage Vo: Vss -0.5 min., Vdd +0.5V max. STABILITY OVER TEMPERATURE RANGE Stability ppm 25 50 100 25 50 100 OUTLINE & DIMENSIONS Temperature Range Order Code C -10 to +70 -10 to +70 -10 to +70 -40 to +85 -40 to +85 -40 to +85 A B C D E F JITTER (at Fr = 156.520MHz) Integrated Phase Jitter: 0.4ps typical, 0.5ps max. (12kHz to 20MHz) Period Jitter (RMS): 3ps typical 5ps maximum Period Jitter (peak to peak): 20ps typical 30ps maximum PHASE NOISE (156.250MHz) Offset dBc/Hz 10Hz 100Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz 1MHz 10MHz -62 -92 -120 -132 -128 -140 -150 PART NUMBERS HPF14 oscillator part numbers are derived as follows: Example: 3HPF14-A-250.000 Supply Voltage 25 = 2.5VDC 3 = 3.3VDC Series Designation Package Style Stability Code (See table) Frequency EUROQUARTZ LIMITED Blacknell Lane CREWKERNE Somerset UK TA18 7HE Tel: +44 (0)1460 230000 Fax: +44 (0)1460 230001 Email: